The Decision Making Structure of the Council
The Council's Constitution
The Council operates under Executive Arrangements where many of the decisions are the responsibility of the Council's Leader and are delegated to the Council's Executive, a body of ten of the elected members who form the 'cabinet' of the Council. The Executive Arrangements and the structure of the Council's committees and other decision making bodies are defined in the Council's Constitution, which is reviewed and updated by the Council at least once a year. The Constitution also includes the Council's Codes and Protocol, Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations.
The role of the six Scrutiny Committees is to help develop the Council's policies, to review the effectiveness of existing policies and procedures, and to scrutinise the Executive's work and decision making. The Scrutiny Committees are not decision-making bodies; they are an important part of the Council's democratic oversight and accountability arrangements. These six committees will use sub-groups to do more detailed investigations and reviews.
Some types of decisions cannot be made by the Executive. For those the Council has in place a number of Regulatory and Governance Committees. They are each empowered by the Council to deal with specific areas of work and specific types of decisions: such as planning permissions and licensing applications.
Council Meetings
Executive Meetings
Regulatory Committees
- Employee Appeals Committee
- Licensing and Appeals Committee
- Licensing and Appeals Sub Committee Hearing Panel
- Licensing Committee
- Licensing Policy Committee
- Licensing Sub Committee Hearing Panel
- Planning and Highways Committee
Scrutiny Committees
- Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
- Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee
- Economy and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee
- Environment, Climate Change and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Committee
- Health Scrutiny Committee
- Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee
Scrutiny Sub Groups
Governance and Decision Making Committees
- Art Galleries Committee
- Audit Committee
- Constitutional and Nomination Committee
- Health and Wellbeing Board
- Manchester Partnership Board
- Personnel Committee
- Personnel Sub Committee
- Schools Forum
- Standards (Hearing) Sub-Committee
- Standards Committee