Committee details
Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee
Purpose of committee
Scrutiny Committees represent the interests of local people about important issues that affect them. They look at how the decisions, policies and services of the Council and other key public agencies impact on the city and its residents. Scrutiny Committees do not take decisions but can make recommendations to decision-makers about how they are delivering the Our Manchester Strategy, an agreed vision for a better Manchester that is shared by public agencies across the city.
The Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee challenges public services to work together to make Manchester a safe city. The Committee tests how the Council and its partners are making sure their services are equally easy for all Manchester's diverse residents to access. The Committee have discussions with these organisations and use experiences of representing residents from a wide range of backgrounds to recommend to them how they can ensure their services meet the needs of all Manchester residents.
Areas of interest include cohesion, equality and inclusion, services for older people, advice services, young offenders, domestic violence, crime and policing, the voluntary sector, libraries and theatres, and leisure and sport.
The committee’s current work programme (opens in new tab / window)
The Council wants to consult people as fully as possible before making decisions that affect them. Members of the public do not have a right to speak at meetings but may do so if invited by the Chair. If you have a special interest in an item on the agenda and want to speak, tell the Committee Officer, who will pass on your request to the Chair. Groups of people will usually be asked to nominate a spokesperson. The Council wants its meetings to be as open as possible but occasionally there will be some confidential business. Brief reasons for confidentiality will be shown on the agenda sheet.
- Councillor June Hitchen (Chair)
- Councillor Azra Ali
- Councillor Paula Appleby
- Councillor Leslie Bell
- Councillor Yasmine Dar
- Councillor Jade Mary Doswell
- Councillor Alan Good
- Councillor Murtaza Iqbal
- Councillor Donna Ludford
- Councillor Olusegun Ogunbambo
- Councillor Dave Rawson
- Councillor Basat Sheikh
- Councillor Tim Whiston
- Councillor Annette Wright
Contact information
Support officer: Charlotte Lynch. Email:
Phone: 0161 219 2119