Committee details

Committee details

Schools Forum

Purpose of committee

Schools are represented on the Forum by headteachers and school governors, elected to reflect all categories of school.  In Manchester; there are non-school representatives from the teacher associations; additional non-voting places are reserved for invited elected members and representatives of other interested bodies.


The Forum members work together to provide a clear consensus of professional advice to education decision-makers, to achieve a transparent deployment of available resources.  The Forum provides a formal channel of communication between the Council and schools for consultation concerning the funding of schools, and aims to agree recommendations which present the best possible compromise between competing claims on limited resources; has strategic oversight of ALL funding decisions affecting schools, and is involved in annual consultation in respect of the Council's functions relating to the schools budget in connection with the following:


·                pupils with SEN (Special Educational Needs)

·                early years

·                revisions to the Council's scheme for the financing of schools

·                administration of central government grants to schools including Standards Funds

·                arrangements for free school meals


The Forum must be consulted on any proposed changes to the Council’s school funding formula, and the financial effects of any proposed changes.

Contact information

Support officer: Helen Wright.

Phone: 0161 234 4069
