Agenda and minutes
Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 25th January, 2023 10.00 am
Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension
Contact: Andrew Woods
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair To consider any items which the Chair has agreed to have submitted as urgent. Minutes: The Committee Support Officer informed members that the Chair (Councillor Craig) had sent apologies for the meeting and asked for nominations for a Chair for the meeting. Councillor T Robinson was nominated by a Board member, this was seconded and agreed by the Board.
To appoint Councillor T Robinson as Chair for the meeting. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 2 November 2022. Minutes: Decision
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 November 2022 as a correct record. |
Further developments relating to the role of the Health and Wellbeing Board PDF 78 KB The report of the Director of Public Health is enclosed. Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Director of Public that described that following the review last year and the agreed reset of the role and function of the Board in November 2022, this report provided a further update on changes to the membership and chairing of the Board. It also provided a progress report on the ongoing work to establish the Manchester Partnership Board as a sub-committee of the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board.
The Director of Public Health provided a summary of the report and referred to the review of the Health and Wellbeing Board held in 2022 which recommended the reset of the Board and the move to hold three meetings per year. Reference was also made to the relationship with the newly formed Manchester Partnership Board (MPB). The Health and Wellbeing Board would continue with its statutory function and will receive annual statutory reports with health inequalities becoming a priority focus.
The report set out changes to the Health and Wellbeing Board, in particular the proposed chair (Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Social Care) and new appointments. The Leader of the Council under the proposals for the Manchester Partnership Board will assume the Chair of the of the MPB.
The Chair referred to the appointment of Tom Hinchliffe to the post of Deputy Place Based Lead (Manchester NHS) and to the retirement of Rupert Nichols as Chair of the GM Mental Health NHS Trust and the appointment of Bill McCarthy as the new Chair.
The Chair informed members of the Manchester Partnership Board awayday that had been attended by partners, where discussions had taken place on the future working relationship between the two boards. The Chair stated that a report reviewing the ongoing relationship with the Manchester Partnership Board would be included on the Health and Wellbeing Board agenda as a standing item for the remainder of the meetings for the year.
The Chair invited questions comments from the Board.
A member referred to the inclusion of Manchester Active within the work of the Board.
The Board was advised the Tom Hinchcliffe will be appointed as a member of the Manchester Active Board and discussions will take place on how their work could link into the work programme for the Health and Wellbeing Board.
A member referred to the changes proposed to the governance and structure of the Board and suggested that an annual report is presented to review and reflect on the changes made.
The Chair reported that a standing agenda item would provide the Board with a regular update on the changes, and this could be included in an annual review report.
Making Manchester Fairer: Tackling Health Inequalities in Manchester 2022-2027 PDF 201 KB The report of the Deputy Director of Public Health is enclosed. Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Deputy Director of Public that described that Making Manchester Fairer: Tackling Health Inequalities in Manchester 2022-27 described the actions that the city would take to reduce inequalities, with a focus on the social determinants of health. This paper provided a progress update on Making Manchester Fairer and outlined the next steps for the delivery of the Action Plan as a joint programme of work with Manchester’s new Anti-Poverty Strategy.
The Deputy Director of Public Health introduced the report and explained that the focus of the five-year action is health inequalities and specifically on Manchester related issues. Following a number of policy panels to consider and review the plan, it was launched as part of a conference held in October 2022 attended by a broad range of partner agencies and stakeholders. The plan now includes the Anti-Poverty Strategy as a recognition that income poverty and debt are key to reducing health inequalities. The report provided an outline of the workstreams and governance and programme management in place to deliver the best outcomes and the Making Manchester Fairer Board will be formed within the next two months.
In response to questions on the types of kickstarter schemes and involvement of the voluntary sector, the board was advised that the voluntary sector representatives will be invited to be involved at a strategic level and other forums. The kickstarter schemes will relate to:
· Children and Young People · Adults facing multiple and complex disadvantage · Physical activity and movement · Health and work
The Chair commented on the importance of cross cutting of services to tackle poverty and ill health and recognised the importance of keeping this focus at the heart of governance arrangements.
To note progress on the Making Manchester Fairer Action Plan and incorporation of the Anti-Poverty Strategy as a joint programme of work. |
Manchester Child Death Overview Panel 2021-22 Annual Report PDF 93 KB The report of the Assistant Director of Public Health, Chair of the Manchester Child Death Overview Panel is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Assistant Director of Public that presented the Manchester Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) 2021/2022 Annual Report.
The CDOP Annual Report is produced to advise Child Death Review (CDR) Partners on local patterns and trends in child deaths, any lessons learnt, and actions taken, and the effectiveness of the wider child death review process. This report reviews the deaths of children normally resident in Manchester, aged 0-17 years of age (excluding stillbirths and legal terminations of pregnancy) and focuses on the analysis of the number of cases closed between 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 (2021/22). Reporting on cases closed provides a full and complete data set, including the outcome of the final CDOP review. The richness of the data and information collated assists in the identification of factors antenatally, postnatally and throughout the child’s life. This report aims to highlight relevant factors and modifiable factors that are likely to contribute to Manchester’s infant (under one year of age) and child (age 1-17 years) mortality rate.
To note the report. |
Manchester Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (2023-2026) Final Draft PDF 107 KB The report of the Manchester Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (2023-2026) Final Draft is enclosed.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Director of Public that described that the provision of pharmaceutical services fell under the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013. The regulations covered the production of this Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). The responsibility for producing the PNA is that of the local Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB).
The PNA steering group had been leading the development of the next PNA for 2023-2026 on behalf of the HWB Board. The regulations stated that the HWB must undertake a consultation on the content of the PNA and it must run for minimum of 60 days. The Board agreed to the commencement of the consultation in July 2022. The Board were invited to comment on the final report.
The report was introduced by the Assistant Director of Public Health and the Senior Medicines Optimisation Adviser (NHS). The Board was advised of the process for the location and services provided by pharmacies in Manchester.
A member referred to a survey carried out on the accessibility of pharmacies, for people with a disability such as wheelchair access and hearing loop provision, within selected post codes in the city. The survey found that many pharmacies did not have adequate provision due to a lack of funding and this was the same for the remainder of the city.
It was reported that a survey involving the public and contractors had been undertaken on the access arrangements and other disability provision that would be expected. If there are issues with certain pharmacies regarding provision for people with a disability, the matter would be taken up with the pharmacy concerned. The chair referred to the conclusions given in paragraph 1.5 in the appendix to the report, for the Boards consideration.
To approve the final report for publication. |
Health Protection Board Update PDF 116 KB The report of the Assistant Director of Public Health is enclosed. Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Assistant Director of Public that described that the Manchester Health Protection Board was a statutory group, chaired by the Director of Public Health, that reported to the Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board. To ensure that the city responded effectively to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Health Protection Board was replaced by the COVID-19 Task Group during 2020 to 2022. The Manchester Health Protection Board was re-established in June 2022 and had a broader remit, which included COVID-19. The Health Protection Board also included agenda items covering health services, emergency preparedness, resilience and response and Greater Manchester and Manchester City Council Resilience Forum feedback. This report provided an update on the responsibilities of the Health Protection Board and highlighted some of the current issues raised at the last meeting in December 2022.
The Board was advised of the work of the Health Protection Board, in particular the lack of funding and staff capacity for undertaking latent tuberculosis (TB) screening in asylum seeker hotels and the risks relating to this. The Board was informed of the need for a co-ordinated Greater Manchester approach and funding needed for this through a business case to NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care. Other risks related to the lack of funding for housing support for homeless people with TB while they undergo TB treatment work. The Director of Public Health is currently working on a business case to raise awareness of the increase in the city to provide funding for screening and treat those with the disease.
The Executive Member for Children and School Services reported that support was available to help on the business case and to raise awareness of the situation through local politicians.
The Director of public Health reported that political support was important to ensure that funding streams are in place when needed to support public health decisions
A member referred to the provision of dental services and oral care in the city and asked what the Board is doing to address the lack of dentists and to promote oral hygiene.
It was reported that there is a focus on oral health for younger and older age groups as part of the public health responsibilities and an education team will promote oral health for early years as part of a health protection plan.
In noting the comments made regarding the provision of dental services within Manchester, the chair indicated that a report would be submitted to a future meeting of the Board. Decision
To note the report. |