Agenda item
Further developments relating to the role of the Health and Wellbeing Board
The report of the Director of Public Health is enclosed.
The Board considered the report of the Director of Public that described that following the review last year and the agreed reset of the role and function of the Board in November 2022, this report provided a further update on changes to the membership and chairing of the Board. It also provided a progress report on the ongoing work to establish the Manchester Partnership Board as a sub-committee of the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board.
The Director of Public Health provided a summary of the report and referred to the review of the Health and Wellbeing Board held in 2022 which recommended the reset of the Board and the move to hold three meetings per year. Reference was also made to the relationship with the newly formed Manchester Partnership Board (MPB). The Health and Wellbeing Board would continue with its statutory function and will receive annual statutory reports with health inequalities becoming a priority focus.
The report set out changes to the Health and Wellbeing Board, in particular the proposed chair (Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Social Care) and new appointments. The Leader of the Council under the proposals for the Manchester Partnership Board will assume the Chair of the of the MPB.
The Chair referred to the appointment of Tom Hinchliffe to the post of Deputy Place Based Lead (Manchester NHS) and to the retirement of Rupert Nichols as Chair of the GM Mental Health NHS Trust and the appointment of Bill McCarthy as the new Chair.
The Chair informed members of the Manchester Partnership Board awayday that had been attended by partners, where discussions had taken place on the future working relationship between the two boards. The Chair stated that a report reviewing the ongoing relationship with the Manchester Partnership Board would be included on the Health and Wellbeing Board agenda as a standing item for the remainder of the meetings for the year.
The Chair invited questions comments from the Board.
A member referred to the inclusion of Manchester Active within the work of the Board.
The Board was advised the Tom Hinchcliffe will be appointed as a member of the Manchester Active Board and discussions will take place on how their work could link into the work programme for the Health and Wellbeing Board.
A member referred to the changes proposed to the governance and structure of the Board and suggested that an annual report is presented to review and reflect on the changes made.
The Chair reported that a standing agenda item would provide the Board with a regular update on the changes, and this could be included in an annual review report.
- To approve the further changes to the membership and chairing of the Board.
- To note the inclusion of a regular report on the relationship to the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Manchester partnership Board for the remainder of the current year.
- To agree for a letter of thanks be forwarded to Rupert Nichols in recognition of his involvement with the Health and Wellbeing Board since March 2017 and his work as the Chair of theGM Mental Health NHS Trust.
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