Meeting documents

Meeting documents

Wednesday, 3rd February, 2016

Business Items
1This meeting will be webcast - see


This meeting will be webcast - see


 Notice under the Meetings and Access to Information Regulations

In accordance with Part 2 Section 5 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 notice is given of the intention to hold part of this meeting of the Executive in private with the press and the public excluded.

This will be to allow for the Executive to consider items of business where the officers consider that the items contain 'exempt information' as provided for in the Local Government Access to Information Act and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

The Regulations require this notice to be published to allow for the meeting to consider the confidential or exempt items of business. The full list of business will be published in the agenda about a week before the meeting is to take place.

If you wish to make representations about the intention to hold part of this meeting in private please email and they will be considered.

This notice was published on 8 December 2014
Sir Howard Bernstein
Chief Executive
 Download the Agenda
 Download the Revised Agenda
 Download the Supplementary Agenda
Download the Minutes
4 - Lower Irk Valley Development Framework
 5. Central Park Retail Development Framework
 6 - Revised Manchester Youth and Play Trust Proposal
 7 - Devolution Update
 8 - Housing Investment Fund (Matrix Homes) - Phase 2
 9 - Playing Pitches Investment Plan 2016-17
 10 Decisions of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority
 11 - Decisions of the joint meeting of the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities Executive Board and Greater Manchester Combined Authority