Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Capital Programme Update

12/09/2019 - Capital Programme Update

1.         To recommend that the Council approve the following changes to Manchester City Council’s capital programme:


(a)        Neighbourhoods – Manchester Regional Arena – Indoor and Outdoor Athletics Track Replacement. A capital budget increase of £1.500m is requested, funded from Waterfall Fund.


(b)        Growth and Development – Acquisition of The Courtyard at Royal Mills. A capital budget virement of £1.850m is requested, funded by a transfer from the Eastern Gateway budget.


(c)        Public Sector Housing - Fire Risk Assessment work low rise properties. A capital budget virement of £6.606m is requested, funded by a transfer from Northwards Housing Programme budget.


(d)        Children’s Services - Expansion of Dean Trust Ardwick secondary school. A capital budget virement of £3.784m is requested, funded by a transfer from Unallocated Basic Need Grant budget.


2.         To approve the following changes to the City Council’s capital programme:


(e)        Private Sector Housing – Marginal Viability Fund – New Victoria. A capital budget increase of £0.426m is requested, funded by Government Grant (Housing Infrastructure Fund).


(f)        ICT – Liquid Logic Social Care System. A capital budget virement of £0.492m is requested from the ICT Investment Plan, funded by borrowing.


3.         To note increases to the programme of £0.351m as a result of delegated officer approvals.