Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Delivering Manchester's Affordable Homes to 2025

12/09/2019 - Delivering Manchester's Affordable Homes to 2025

1.         To note the increase in the forecast Residential Growth delivery target for new homes in Manchester from April 2015 to March 2025 of an additional 7,000 homes to 32,000 homes.


2.         To note the proposed increase in the delivery target between April 2015 and March 2025 from 5,000 Affordable Homes to a minimum of 6,400 Affordable Homes.


3.         To note the limited capacity of the Council’s Housing Revenue Account and the Council’s Housing Affordability Fund to support new additional Affordable Homes in the city and that significant new Affordable Home delivery in the city is dependent on robust partnership relationships with Registered Providers, which currently have the financial and delivery capacity to deliver those homes.


4.         To delegate authority to the Strategic Director - Growth and Development, and the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Executive Members for Finance and Resources and Housing and Regeneration to negotiate and formalise a strategic partnership with Homes England


5.         To delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive, Strategic Director - Growth and Development and Head of Development in consultation with the local ward councillors, the Leader, the Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration, Executive Member for Finance and HR, and the Executive Member responsible for Corporate Property, to agree the disposal of sites in Council ownership for the provision of affordable homes as set out in the report.


6.         To delegate authority to the Strategic Director - Growth and Development and the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Executive Members for Finance and Resources and Housing and Regeneration, to establish partnership arrangements with Registered Providers together with their partners/consortium for defined areas in the North, Central, South and Wythenshawe areas of the City.


7.         To note progress against the Policy Ideas presented to Executive in the December paper by the Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration


8.         To delegate authority to the City Solicitor to enter into and complete all documents and agreements necessary to give effect to the recommendations in the report.


9.         To authorise the Head of Housing to explore with local Registered Providers (RPs) the draft principles on reacquiring former right-to-buy homes as set out in Annex 1 of the report, and to report to a future meeting.