Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Outstanding Audit Recommendations

10/09/2019 - Outstanding Audit Recommendations

Members considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer and Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management that informed the Committee that in accordance with Public Sector Internal Audit Standards the Head of Audit and Risk Management must “establish and maintain a system to monitor the disposition of results communicated to management; and a follow-up process to monitor and ensure that management actions have been effectively implemented or that senior management has accepted the risk of not taking action”.  For Manchester City Council this system included reporting to directors and their management teams, Strategic Management Team, Executive Members and Audit Committee.


The report summarised the current implementation position and arrangements for monitoring and reporting internal and external audit recommendations.




  1. To note the current process and position in respect of high priority Internal Audit recommendations.


  1. To agree that the scheduled date of the committee on 17 September 2019 be used for training purposes for committee members and any business be rescheduled for submission to the meeting of the Committee on 15 October 2019.


  1. To agree to request the Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management to circulate guidance on Contractor and Whistleblowing Arrangements to all members of the Committee for information.