Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

123215/FO/2019 - 52-58 Thomas Street, Manchester, M4 1EG

07/08/2019 - 123215/FO/2019 - 52-58 Thomas Street, Manchester, M4 1EG - Piccadilly Ward

The application related to the conversion of 56-58 Thomas Street (retention of facades, roof and some internal structural elements)  and erection of a new part three, part four and part five storey building comprising to create twenty six room hotel/aparthotel (C1 use class) to the upper storeys with Class A1 (Shop), Class A3 (Restaurant and Café) and Class A4 (Drinking Establishment) uses to the basement and ground floor following  demolition of the remaining built fabric at 9 John Street and 52-54 Thomas Street including parts fronting onto Back Turner Street along with retrospective consent for the demolition works within the site carried out in September 2018.


No objectors to the application were in attendance.


The applicant addressed the committee on the proposal.


Members referred the environment around the development and sought assurance that street trees or greenery such as hanging baskets will be included as part of the proposal, Also, were there arrangements in place for bin storage inside the development to prevent bags from being left on the street.


Officers confirmed that a bin storage scheme inside the development is included in the proposal to prevent bags from being left for collection on the street. A street tree condition is included in the proposal, however, it would be unlikely that trees could be planted on the pavement area due to the limited space available.




To approve the application subject to the conditions and reasons in the report.