Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

123274/FO/2019 - Xaverian College Lower Park Item No Road Manchester M14 5RB

07/08/2019 - 123274/FO/2019 - Xaverian College Lower Park Item No Road Manchester M14 5RB - Rusholme Ward

The Committee had undertaken a site visit in the morning prior to the start of the meeting.


The application related to the erection of a 2 storey teaching block and re-arrangement of the associated car park.


In addition to the report submitted officers reported that concern had been expressed during the site visit on the location of the proposed development. The Committee was informed that the location was chosen following a feasibility study which determined that this was the optimum location. It was noted that whilst there would an impact from Dagenham Road this was judged to be acceptable and would result in less than substantial harm on the Victoria Park Conservation Area. A further environmental statement was provided by the applicant and included the proposed removal of a Category C tree and a Category U tree and their replacement by two standard heavy trees and the retention of the trees on the northern boundary of the site.


No objectors to the application were in attendance.


Councillor Ahmed Ali addressed the Committee as Rusholme Ward Councillor and in welcoming the development of the Xaverian College campus requested that further consideration be given to the location of the proposal. The main concern of the related to the loss of the view from Dagenham Road onto the college campus as part of the Victoria Park Conservation Area.


The applicant addressed the Committee and explained that the proposal is the result of the need to expand the current facilities on the campus to meet the needs of the demographic growth (‘post 16 years’ provision), maintain financial security of the college in the post 16 sector and maintain a high quality educational provision.


The Committee referred to the negotiation with the applicant and the issue relating to the proposed location of the development to provide a view from Dagenham Road. Members expressed concern regarding the potential harm that would be caused by the development that they considered would be substantial. A member commented that there was a requirement to balance the proposal with the existing site and buildings and the wider conservation area.


Councillor Lovecy proposed Minded to Refuse the application and this was seconded by Councillor Clay.




Minded to refuse the application due to concerns expressed regarding the impact of the proposed development on the Victoria Park Conservation Area resulting in loss of views from Dagenham Road (as referred to in policy EN3, and saved policies DC18 and DC19 (UDP)).


(The Director of Planning has been requested to submit a report which addresses the concerns raised and whether there are reasons for refusal which could be sustained.)