Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Capital Programme Update

09/09/2019 - Capital Programme Update

A report concerning requests to increase the capital programme was submitted. We agreed to recommend one change to the Council, and to make a four changes under delegated powers. These five changes would decrease the Council’s capital budget by £2.858m across 2019/20 to 2021/22.




1.         To recommend that the Council approve the following change to Manchester City Council’s capital programme:


(a)  Highways – Hyde Road. A capital budget virement of £1.254m is requested, funded by a transfer from the Highways Investment Plan budget.


2.         Under powers delegated to the Executive, to approve the following changes to the City Council’s capital programme:


(b) Highways –Residents Parking Schemes (RPZ). A capital budget increase of £0.633m is requested, funded from External Contribution and Parking Reserve.


(c) ICT – Early Years and Education Implementation (EYES). A capital budget decrease of £2.248m is requested and approval of a corresponding transfer of £2.248m to the revenue budget, funded by capital fund.


(d) ICT – Telephony. A capital budget virement of £0.400m is requested, funded through a transfer from the ICT Investment Plan budget, alongside a capital budget decrease of £1.177m and approval of a corresponding transfer of £1.177m to the revenue budget, funded by capital fund.


(e) ICT – Planning, Licensing, Land Charges and Building Control Application. A capital budget decrease of £0.066m is requested and approval of a corresponding transfer of £0.066m to the revenue budget, funded by capital fund.


3.         To note increases to the programme of £0.757m as a result of delegated approvals.