Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Award of a contract for Mobile Voice and Data Services (2021/03/31A)

31/03/2021 - Award of a contract for Mobile Voice and Data Services (2021/03/31A)

The Deputy Chief Executive agrees to award a contract for Mobile Voice and Data Services (mobile telephones and sim cards for tablets and laptops).


The previous contract expired in September 2020 and was based on predominately office based working across the authority. As working practices have changed due to Covid-19, complex modelling of scenarios and negotiations with the supplier have been necessary with the provider to agree contractual terms that reflect the current and anticipated future flexible working model.  The new model significantly reduces costs because the Council will no longer be charged for unused data and will avoid punitive charges when users occasionally exceed their data allowance.


A delay in approving the award of this contract would prejudicially affect the Council’s financial position because the new agreement provides savings estimated at £50k per month. Additional costs of £50k will therefore be incurred unless the new contract is signed by 8 April 2021


Consequently, the Chair of Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee has agreed this decision being urgent and has exempted it from Call In,