Agenda item
Manchester Living Safely With Covid Plan
Report of the Director of Public Health attached
The Executive considered a report of the Director of Public Health, which outlined Manchester’s Living Fairly and Safely with Covid draft plan, following the Prime Minister’s announcement of the publication of the National Living Safely with Covid Plan on 21 February 2022.
The Manchester plan was based on what the current understanding on national policy direction on Covid-19 and based on what the epidemiology (scientific study of Covid-19 and how it was found, spread and controlled) was stating. As with all the Council’s Covid-19 plans, it was iterative and would be updated and developed over time in line with any further national policy announcements (e.g., testing) which were expected in the next month.
The Deputy Leader (Adult Care and Health) reported that over the past few weeks there had been a significant increases in case rates within Manchester and the headline rates were currently at 315 per 100,000 of the population, which although still below the national average had risen by 54% in the last week. The rate in the over 60’s population had also risen to 236 per 100,000 of the population. As such there was still a continued need to support and protect the city’s most vulnerable. She then outlined key elements of the plan, highlighting the 12 priorities for the year ahead.
It was reported that the Covid helpline would continue through the Spring and the Council was awaiting an announcement from Government on free LFT kits for the most vulnerable.
The Director of Public Health reported that it had been announce that all PCR testing sites would be demobilised from the 4 April 2022 which were to be completed by the 16 May 2022
The Leader asked if it was anticipated that there would be any form of PCR testing available in the city after the 4 April 2022. The Director of Public Health advised that PCR tests would only continue to be available in hospital settings or where residents were taking part in the ONS survey. Announcements were still awaiting in relation to testing regime for care home staff and residents. It was anticipated that this would be the use of LFT tests rather than PCR tests.
The Leader echoed the concerns that had been raised at Health Scrutiny on the removal of PCR testing and felt it was much too premature to step down any surveillance activities and begin charging for LFT tests.
Councillor Karey commented that Government should not be allowed to
return to a position of “health as normal” as there
could be future variants and the Council needed to continue to hold
the Government to account for appropriate health resources for the
Councillor Leech agreed with the comments made by the Leader on the premature removal of testing regime given the rate of infection within the city. He asked what the Council was doing to ensure that its staff remained safe and would attendance management be looked ta for those staff who tested positive and where not able to attend work.
The Director of Public Health advised that the Council’s advice to staff was not to attend work if they had any symptoms and that they should continue to take LFT tests until they were negative. The Chief Executive added that the Council was being pragmatic and flexible around attendance and that where staff were displaying covid symptoms, whilst they were advised not to attend their place of work, they could work from home if they felt well enough to do so.
The Executive:-
(1) Approve the Manchester Living Safely and Fairly with Covid Plan.
(2) Note the update
Supporting documents:
- Living Safely and Fairly with Covid, item 30. PDF 128 KB
- Appendix - Living Safely and Fairly with Covid Plan, item 30. PDF 1 MB