Agenda item
Victoria North: Collyhurst Phase 1 - The Proposed City of Manchester (Thornton Street North, Collyhurst Village) Compulsory Purchase Order 2022.
Report of the Strategic Director (Growth & Development) attached
The Executive considered a report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development), which set out proposals for the compulsory purchase of land within the Collyhurst Village neighbourhood, which consisted of residential buildings, a retail premises and rent charges/covenants.
The Executive Member for Housing and Employment explained that the proposed Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) would facilitate the development, redevelopment and improvement of land at Thornton Street North for the provision of 244 new residential dwellings together with associated works including a new park.
It was reported that the Council had committed to supporting all affected occupants located within the scheme boundary to relocate to a new property within the scheme through a single move and subject to approval, financial support would be made available to eligible owner-occupiers through the Council’s- Manchester Home Improvement and Relocation Assistance Policy, to purchase a replacement home, either in the new development or elsewhere in Manchester. In addition, it was recognised that some existing owner-occupiers may choose not to remain in owner-occupation and they would be eligible to apply for rehousing by the Council and would be awarded Group 1 priority. Similarly, the Private and RP tenants would be eligible for Group 1 priority rehousing. It was also intended that the current operator of the Commercial premises would be given a right of first refusal, on appropriate commercial terms, to relocate their business into the new Commercial premises within the development.
Councillor Karney placed on record the work of the Executive Member for Housing and Employment and Council Officers in supporting those residents affected by the CPO proposals.
Councillor Leech queried whether the 22 existing tenants in houses
would be offered a like for like replacement or a different size
property. He also commented that he
felt that the Councils proposal on the number of types of tenures
that were proposed to be built was wrong and there should be more
houses proposed as opposed to flats.
The Leader responded, advising that the proposals had been discussed at length through the Council’s scrutiny process prior to these proposals coming before Executive and that successful regeneration needed to afford people a choice of accommodation and that people being happy with the choices being given.
The Executive Member for Housing and Employment clarified that the Council’s proposals included the creation of 100 council homes, which would be a mixture of houses and apartments
The Executive:-
(1) Note that the Executive meeting on 17 February 2021 approved a set of recommendations to provide for the delivery of residential development proposals within the adjacent neighbourhoods of Collyhurst Village and South Collyhurst, to be undertaken through existing Joint Venture contractual arrangements between the City Council and Far East Consortium (FEC) for the Victoria North initiative.
(2) Authorise the making of the City of Manchester (Thornton Street North, Collyhurst Village) Compulsory Purchase Order 2022 (“the Order”) under Section 226(1)(a) and (1A) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 to acquire the Order Lands for the purpose set out in the Statement of Reasons.
(3) Note the contents of the Statement of Reasons attached at Appendix 2 of the report.
(4) Authorise the City Solicitor to seal the Order and to take all necessary steps, including the publication and service of all statutory notices and presentation of the Council’s case at Public Inquiry, to secure confirmation of the Order by the Secretary of State for Levelling up. Housing and Communities and the vesting of the land in the City Council.
(5) Authorise the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) (in the event that the Secretary of State notifies the Council that it has been given the power to confirm the Order) to confirm the Order, if the Secretary of State is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so.
(6) Authorise the Head of Development to approve agreements with landowners setting out the terms of withdrawals of objections to the Order including where appropriate the exclusion of land from the Order. Authorise the Strategic Director of Growth and Development and the City Solicitor to make deletions from, and/or minor amendments, and modifications to the proposed Order and Order Plan or to agree to refrain from vesting any land included within the Order should this be in their opinion appropriate.
(7) Authorise the Head of Development to negotiate terms for the acquisition by agreement of any outstanding interests in the land within the order prior to its confirmation.
(8) Authorise the Strategic Director (Neighbourhoods) to take all necessary steps to secure the closure of all relevant highways streets and alleyways which are required for the development to proceed, if requested by the Director of Housing and Residential Growth.
(9) Agree that the resources of the City Council are sufficient to carry out the duties resulting from the making of the Order, as outlined in this report.
(10) Agree the following re-housing and compensation arrangements for displaced residential occupiers:
(a) Requests from owner-occupiers for disposal of their homes in advance of the confirmation of the Order will be dealt with as a priority.
(b) Compensation for owner-occupiers will be paid in accordance with the law on compulsory purchase and relocation assistance will be offered in accordance with the Manchester City Council Home Improvement and Relocation Assistance Policy currently in operation (“the Relocation Policy”).
(c) The Designated Area for the purposes of the Relocation Policy shall be the whole of the City of Manchester and the Specific Designated Relocation Area (SDRA) will be the Harpurhey ward as shown in the plan attached at Appendix 3. Within the SDRA an applicant will have the potential to access a higher level of relocation assistance which will allow them to remain in their local area. For a new build property, this would be a maximum of 110 % of the average price of various property types within the Victoria North (formerly the Northern Gateway) Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) Area. For older properties, the maximum is the average price of various property types within the SRF. Outside the SDRA, but within the City of Manchester Boundary the maximum amount of Relocation Assistance available is £ 50,000.
(d) Discretionary Home Loss and Disturbance payments will be made available to all qualifying households requiring relocation.
(e) Tenants and owner-occupiers who are displaced will be awarded Band 1 rehousing status in order to ensure they are a priority for relocation in a council home within the New development at Collyhurst or any social housing within the boundaries of the City.
(11) Authorise the Head of Development to negotiate terms for the occupation of the new retail unit delivered as part of the new development, in order that it can be offered in the first instance as alternative premises for the current shopkeeper that will be displaced by the Order.
(12) Authorise the Director of Housing and Residential Growth in consultation with the Executive Member for Housing and Employment, to declare the Council properties listed in Appendix 4 surplus to requirements and should be demolished, and to Authorise the City Solicitor to serve the appropriate demolition notices, having regard to the Housing Act 1985.
Supporting documents:
- Victoria North (Collyhurst Village) CPO report, item 36. PDF 276 KB
- Appendix 1 - Draft Order Lands Plan, item 36. PDF 98 KB
- Appendix 2 - CPO Statement of Reasons, item 36. PDF 2 MB
- Appendix 3 - Harpurhey Ward Plan (Specific Designated Relocation Area), item 36. PDF 146 KB
- Appendix 4 - Existing addresses contained within the Scheme boundary, item 36. PDF 18 KB