Agenda item

Agenda item

Application for a New Premises Licence - Transit, Unit 4, ABC Building, 21-23 Quay Street, Manchester, M3 4AE

Now added additional information from the applicant’s representative.


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing regarding a new Premises Licence application.


The Hearing Panel considered the written papers and oral representations of all parties, as well as the relevant legislation and guidance.


The applicant’s agent addressed the Panel, stating that they had sought an adjournment previously to provide time to meet with objectors which they have now done. The purpose of the premises is a social and collaboration space for the tenants of the office space in the building. The concept document supplied most recently differed slightly to what was in the original application to allow for additional collaborative networking space.


The representative stated that resident concerns centred around the premises becoming a late-night bar. For that reason, the applicant offered to reduce their operating hours. The opening time would be as applied for, but the closing time was amended to; Sunday to Wednesday 12.00am, Thursday 12.30am, and Friday and Saturday 1.00am. All closing times would include an additional 30 minutes for dispersal. The agent confirmed that GMP had previously objected to the application but upon agreement regarding door supervisors, they withdrew this objection. LOOH objected, requesting waste collection to be at an appropriate hour. The agent stated that this was also agreed, leading to the withdrawal of LOOH’s objection. The agent also stated that a meeting had been held via Zoom with the intention of meeting with all resident objectors. Only 2 objectors attended the meeting, alongside a local ward Councillor. In this meeting, the applicant stated their willingness to reduce the hours, alongside other conditions but did note that they wanted to keep some flexibility for how the premises operates.


The Panel asked if only 2 or 3 residents attending the meeting. The agent stated that was correct, confirming that there should have been one more, but they withdrew prior to the meeting.


In their deliberations, the Panel acknowledged the remaining objections. However, they were satisfied that the applicant had done all they can to meet with the objectors and come to an agreement. The Panel were also satisfied that the premises would not operate as a late-night bar.




To grant the application subject to conditions agreed with the responsible authorities and with the amended operating hours:


Hours for licensable activities:-


Sun – Wednesday

10:00 - 00:00


10:00 - 00:30


10:00 - 01:00


Opening hours:-                           


Sun – Wednesday

10:00 - 00:30


10:00 - 01:00


10:00 - 01:30


Supporting documents: