Agenda item

Agenda item

Temporary Event Notice - Total Car Parks, 87 Rochdale Road, Manchester, M4 4HY

The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing regarding a Temporary Event Notice.


The Hearing Panel considered the written papers, oral representations of all parties as well as the relevant legislation and guidance.


GMP addressed the Hearing Panel and stated that this notice was for an outdoor barbecue and music event from 14:00 to 23:00 on Bank Holiday Sunday 29 August 2021. GMP stated that they had agreed conditions around the alcohol and event management plan but that the local policing team had concerns over the location due to there only being a wire fence separating the car park from a nearby residential area. The concerns were around noise from the event disturbing the residents and also attendees using the residential street to park their cars.


The applicant addressed the Hearing Panel and informed them that the event was to raise awareness of Sickle Cell disease. The applicant stated that he understood the police concerns and assured the Hearing Panel that he had spoken to residents on the nearby street who informed him that they had no issue with the event going ahead as planned. The applicant stated that they had arranged 10 car park attendants who are SIA badge holders to help run the event and added that there was parking available on site to attendees. The applicant added that there is another car park opposite and that attendees would not want to park on the residential street as they would have to walk 15 minutes to come around the site wall to the entrance.


During questioning from the Hearing Panel and GMP, the applicant stated that he had managed to speak to 3 residents of the nearby street and confirmed that he would post a card to all residents with a contact number in case they felt the event was creating too much noise.


In their deliberations, the Hearing Panel noted that GMP had agreed the event management plans and that no other objections had been received. The Hearing Panel felt that this event would not undermine the licensing objectives but requested that the applicant keep to his word and post contact details to the nearby residents.




To grant the application.


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