Agenda item

Agenda item

Strategic scene-setting

Report of the Director of Public Health, the Executive Director Adult Social Services and the Deputy Director Adult Social Services


This report and presentations provides an overview of Health inequalities and outcomes in Manchester; an overview of the system wide response with a focus on Manchester’s Local Care Organisation and an update on Better Outcomes, Better Lives, the Manchester Local Care Organisation’s transformation programme for Adult Social Care.



The Committee considered the report and accompanying presentations of the Director of Public Health, the Executive Director Adult Social Services and the Deputy Director Adult Social Services that provided an overview of health inequalities and outcomes in Manchester; an overview of the system wide response with a focus on Manchester’s Local Care Organisation and an update on Better Outcomes, Better Lives, the Manchester Local Care Organisation’s transformation programme for Adult Social Care.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -


·         Whilst welcoming the ambitions of Better Outcomes, Better Lives it was important to ensure that residents in need of care received the most appropriate levels of care;

·         A Member provided a personal experience of a family member who received care and stressed the importance of appropriate care and support to enable people to live independently;

·         Future update reports should include the voice of the patient experience;

·         The role of Carers was very important;

·         The COVID-19 vaccination programme had demonstrated the successful delivery of a service through collaborative working and this positive experience and learning should be built upon in other areas of service delivery;


The Executive Director of Adult Social Services stated that the ambition of Better Outcomes, Better Lives was to promote and enable independent living and support residents to continue living in their homes and communities. She stated this would be achieved through a strength based approach to the assessment and commissioning of services, with these were designed and delivered ‘with’ people as opposed to ‘for’ people. She stated that despite the budget Manchester had invested in this programme of improvement. She further recognised the comment made regarding the important role of carers and suggested that an update report on the Our Manchester Carers Strategy be submitted to the Committee for consideration at an appropriate time.  


The Deputy Director of Adult Social Services noted the comments from the Member regarding the information provided in the slide pack regarding the Initial Impact Assessment and provided clarification on the examples and data provided. In response to a question regarding how the Better Outcomes, Better Lives programme connected to the Our Manchester strategy she stated that this information had been included in the report that had been considered by the Committee at the March 2021 meeting. She further stated that information relating to IMPOWER would be circulated outside of the meeting following comments by a Member.


The Chief Operating Officer, Manchester Local Care Organisation stated that the Local Care Organisation was predicated on Public Health ambitions and targets and Key Performance Indicators were agreed and monitored. He stated that the neighbourhood delivery approach of the Manchester Local Care Organisation built on partnerships and community based strengths and knowledge. He stated that Manchester was leading on this model of delivery when compared to other Local Authorities. He stated that he would share the details of the Neighbourhood Leads with the Committee following the meeting.


The Chair stated that the Committee would welcome the opportunity to further scrutinise the Performance Framework and Quality Impact Assessment and this would be considered when planning future agenda items. She commented that a report on the work of the Integrated Neighbourhood Teams would be included on the Committee’s work programme. The Chair further added following comments from the Committee that consideration would be given as to the format and content of the reports.


The Executive Member for Health and Care stated that staff working within the integrated teams were the most valuable resource and key to the successful delivery of Better Outcomes, Better Lives work. She stated that feedback from staff was very positive that reflected improved services to residents. She stated that there were a series of videos that could be shared with the Committee that highlighted the positive work that had been developed by developing integrated teams and the multi-agency working approach.




The Committee:-


(1)      Note the report and presentations.


(2)      Recommend that items on the Our Manchester Carers Strategy and an update on the work of the Integrated Neighbourhood Teams be included on the Committee’s work programme and these reports shall include the voice of the citizen.


Supporting documents: