Agenda item
Proceedings of Committees
To submit for approval the minutes of the following meetings and consider recommendations made by the committee:
Audit 19 January 2021 (to follow)
Health and Wellbeing Board – 9 December 2020 and 27 January 2021
Licensing Committee – 30 November 2020
Licensing and Appeals Committee – 30 November 2020
Planning and Highways 19 November 2020, 17 December 2020 and 21 January 2021 (to follow)
Personnel 20 January 2021, and in particular to consider:
PE/21/03 Revised Employee Code of Conduct, Smoking and Vaping and Digital Media Policy
To approve the Digital Media and Smoking and Vaping Policy, and to commend the revised Employee Code of Conduct to Council at its meeting on 3 February 2021.
Constitutional and Nomination on 2 February 2021 (to follow), and in particular to consider:
Item 6 - Constitution of the Council
To recommend that Council:
1. Adopts, subject to recommendation 5 below, the attached revised Sections of the Constitution of the Council, namely:
Part 2
Part 3: Sections, C and F
Part 4: Sections A, B, C and F
Part 5: Sections C, D and E
Part 6: Sections B, C and E
Part 8
2. Makes consequential and ancillary changes to other Parts of the Constitution to align with the changes set out in this report.
3. Amends Part 4: Section E as detailed at Paragraph 4.5. below.
4. Readopts the remainder of the Constitution
5. Notes in relation to Part 3 of the Constitution that responsibility for the discharge of executive functions and the delegation of such responsibility rests with the Leader of the Council and that the recommended delegations of executive functions set out in Part 3 (Sections A and F) are for the information of the Council only.
The minutes of the following meetings had been submitted:
Audit Committee - 19 January 2021
Health and Wellbeing Board - 9 December 2020 and 27 January 2021
Licensing Committee 30 November 2020
Licensing and Appeals Committee 30 November 2020
Planning and Highways Committee 19 November, 17 December 2020 and 21 January 2021
Personnel Committee 20 January 2020, and in particular to consider:
PE/21/03 Revised Employee Code of Conduct, Smoking and
Vaping and Digital Media
To approve the Digital Media and Smoking and Vaping Policy,
and to commend the revised Employee Code of Conduct to
Council at its meeting on 3 February 2021.
Constitutional and Nomination Committee 2 February 2021.
The Council was asked to give particular consideration to the following recommendations:
CN/21/02 Membership of Council Committees and Representation on Joint Boards and Joint Committees
To recommend the Council to make the following changes in appointments to Committees of the Council.
Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee |
Walid Omara Co-opted parent governor |
Health and Wellbeing Board
Remove: Michael McCourt - Manchester Local Care Organisation
Appoint: Katy Calvin-Thomas - Manchester Local Care Organisation
Remove: Dr Claire Lake - GP member - South Locality on Manchester
Health and Care Commissioning Board
Appoint: Dr Geeta Wadhwa is the GP member - South Locality on Manchester Health and Care Commissioning Board
Remove Jim Potter -
Chair, Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
Appoint - Michael Luger, Chair of Northern Care Alliance
CN/21/02 Constitution of the Council
Recommend that the Council agree the recommendations set out as follows:
1. Adopt, subject to recommendation 5 below, the attached revised Sections of the Constitution of the Council, namely:
a) Part 2
b) Part 3: Sections, C and F
c) Part 4: Sections A, B, C and F
d) Part 5: Sections C, D and E
e) Part 6: Sections B, C and E
f) Part 8
consequentialand ancillary
changesto other Parts of the Constitution to align
with the changes set out in the report.
3. Amend Part 4: Section E as detailed at Paragraph 4.5 of the report as follows:
It is proposed that the reference to “The Chief Executive of the Skills Funding Agency” is deleted from Rule 8A.1 of the Scrutiny Procedure Rules (Part 4 Section E). This is to reflect a change in the list of relevant partner authorities contained in section 104 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Heath Act 2007.
4. Readopt the remainder of the Constitution
5. Note in relation to Part 3 of the Constitution that responsibility for the discharge of executive functions and the delegation of such responsibility rests with the Leader of the Council and that the recommended delegations of executive functions set out in Part 3 (Sections A and F) are for the information of the Council only.
1. To receive those minutes submitted.
2. To approve the changes in appointments to Committees of the Council, as detailed above.
3. To note the recommendation of the Personnel Committee on the revised Employee Code of Conduct.
4. To note the recommended changes to the Council Constitution made to the Council by the Constitutional and Nomination Committee.
Supporting documents:
- Regulatory merge, item 10. PDF 153 KB
- Reg merge 2, item 10. PDF 128 KB
- 2 February 2021 Constitutional and Nomination Committee, item 10. PDF 112 KB