Agenda item
Recovery of NHS services
Report of Manchester Health and Care Commissioning, Manchester Foundation Trust, Manchester Local Care Organisation, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHSFT and Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
This paper provides an update on the reinstatement of NHS services following changes in service provision as a result of the impact of Covid-19.
The Committee considered a report of Manchester Health and Care Commissioning, Manchester Foundation Trust, Manchester Local Care Organisation, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHSFT and Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership that provided an update on the reinstatement of NHS services following changes in service provision as a result of the impact of Covid-19.
The main points and themes within the report included: -
· Acute Services (including Cancer);
· Community health services;
· Mental Health services;
· Dental services; and
· Primary Care (GP practices).
In attendance at the meeting were representatives from each respective service.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· Expressing the Committee’s gratitude and appreciation to all staff working in the NHS;
· Noting that recovery of services was within the context of a continued response to COVID-19;
· Would there be an increased pressure placed on Primary Care to manage a medical condition, or if a patient’s condition begins to deteriorate when surgery was delayed due to COVID-19;
· Noting the challenge and limitations of telephone / video consultations, especially when assessing patients with mental health issues;
· Noting that in Manchester cancer treatment had continued to be delivered, however nationally this had not been the case;
· What did ‘partially stopped’ service mean;
· Noting that the imminent winter pressures would place additional pressures on services;
· Noting the impact that COVID-19 would have on people’s mental health and the increased demand for mental health services, adequate funding should be allocated by central government to deliver such services;
· Recognising the important role of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) in supporting people with mental health issues;
· When would the ‘No 93’ Health and Wellbeing Centre in North Manchester be reopening;
· Where were the 92 Urgent Dental Care sites to meet the needs of any patients of practices currently restricted in their delivery located.
· Would the ability to treat a reduced number of patients in NHS dental practices and the NHS contract arrangements result in practices only treating private patients; and
· A person centred approach was required when delivering care and services.
Dr Veronica Devlin, Chief Transformation Officer MFT advised the Committee that patients who’s surgery had been deferred due to COVID-19 would continue to be provided with advice and information as to how to manage any condition with advice on what to do if the condition deteriorated. She advised that patient waiting lists were regularly reviewed to prioritise patients based on clinical need.
Dr Devlin further stated that whilst the delivery of cancer treatment services had continued in Manchester throughout COVID-19, the anticipated challenge related to the testing for cancer and the impact this would have on the service as patients had not been attending for testing due to fears surrounding COVID-19. She advised that to address this consideration and planning had been given to increasing access to testing and delivering safe diagnosis pathways.
Mark Edwards, Chief Operating Officer MLCO reported that services would continue to be re-established and to support this process and to ensure that services could restart safely MLCO had established a Recovery and Programme Board that oversaw the processes. He acknowledged that the ability of the MLCO to deliver services and patient care impacted on the demand on secondary care services, so it was important that services resumed as quickly and as safely as possible. He further advised that where services had been partially withdrawn, those had been clinical decisions taken in consultation with patients with appropriate advice provided.
Adam Young, Associate Director of Operations GMMH informed the Committee that the Trust continued to monitor and map requests for services, and currently this was in line with planning, however this continued to be reviewed daily. In terms of resources to deliver mental health services he advised that Greater Manchester would be submitting a funding bid. With reference to the ‘No 93’ Health and Wellbeing Centre in North Manchester he stated that work continued to reopen this sire as soon as was safely possible and added that staff had continued to work with patients and maintain contact whilst the site had been closed.
Emma Hall-Scullin, Consultant in Dental Public Health informed the Committee that the details of the 92 Urgent Dental Care sites would be circulated to Members following the meeting.
Jon Slattery, General Dental Practitioner in Manchester responded to the question regarding a practices ability to treat a reduced number of NHS patients and the NHS contract arrangements result in practices only treating private patients by stating that he did not recognise this as a concern. The Chair commented that the topic of NHS Dentistry provision across the city would be revisited by the Committee at an appropriate time.
With regard to the video and telephone consultations, all of the professionals present all reported that these had been received positively by both patients and practitioners, whilst recognising that for certain assessments ‘face to face’ meetings were preferable.
To note the report.
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