Agenda item

Agenda item

HR and OD Service, Corporate Services Directorate

The report of the Chief Executive now attached.


The Committee considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer that sought approval for the creation of the post of Deputy Director of HR and OD in support of the restructure of the HR and OD Service and to recommend that Council approved use of a market supplement if required in recruiting to the Director of HR and OD post.


When the previous Director - HR and OD left the Council in February 2019 it was determined that recruitment would be on a ‘like for like’ basis. Pending the recruitment process, extra capacity was procured on an interim part-time basis and has supported the service since April 2019.  An Executive Search and Selection partner was procured and a recruitment exercise commenced in May 2019. The Council was unable to appoint and the decision was made to continue with interim arrangements to review the potential market.  At the same time, other significant vacancies arose within the HR and OD senior management team and it was decided that a restructure was necessary to ensure appropriate arrangements going forward.   After discussion with the service and various stakeholders a revised structure was provided in December 2019. Formal consultation had now ended and the structure was being implemented.


It was explained that some key vacancies had allowed for a fundamental review of the senior team which had been streamlined with realignment of key HR and OD functions.  The revised structure proposed that all strategic and transactional HR functions are under the leadership of one senior manager working alongside the Head of OD. This role would be responsible for the day to day leadership and management of the HR functions as well as providing a primary deputising function for the Director of HR and OD on strategic projects and partnerships.  As such it was proposed that that a new position of Deputy Director - HR and OD was to be established by combining and deleting the two SS2 posts of Head of HR Operations and Head of Workforce Strategy (SS2). Job Evaluation had been undertaken and indicated that the new role should be graded at SS3 (£78,715 - £87,217).


It was also reported that further recruitment search and benchmarking activity was underway to recruit a Director of HR and OD. However, given the urgent and critical nature of this appointment, Council approval was sought for a delegation to the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer in consultation with the Chief Executive and Executive Member for Finance and HR to be able to approve a market supplement of up to £15,000 if required. Any supplement would only be applied if necessary.




The Committee:-


1.         Approve the creation of the post of Deputy Director of HR and OD at grade SS3 (£78,715 - £87,217).


2.         In approving the establishment of the above post, approve the deletion of the posts of Head of HR Operations (SS2) and Head of Workforce Strategy (SS2).


3.         Approve the redesignation of the post of Strategic Business Partner - Health and Social Care Integration as Strategic Lead - Health and Social Care Workforce.


4.         Recommends to Council that it approves a market rate recruitment supplement of up to £15,000 in seeking to appoint to the vacant Director of HR and OD post, if required, and delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer, in consultation with the Chief Executive and Executive Member for Finance and HR, to decide whether to apply the market rate supplement and the amount of supplement to be applied, up to this limit.

Supporting documents: