Agenda item
Place Management Pilots Reports - Chorlton and Gorton
Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development)
This report provides an update on progress with the District Centres Pilot projects that are being progressed by the Institute of Place Management (IPM) at Manchester Metropolitan University, with the support of the Council. The Place Management Pilots are a key aspect of the work programme overseen by the District Centres Subgroup, and are considering new opportunities to engage local stakeholders and enhance the quality of Manchester neighbourhoods.
The report summarises the outcome of the Chorlton and Gorton Place Management Pilots (which have reached final report stage) and recommends next steps to conclude the project.
The Subgroup considered the report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) that provided Members with an update on progress with the District Centre Pilot projects that were being progressed by the Institute of Place Management (IPM) at Manchester Metropolitan University, with the support of the Council. The Place Management Pilots were a key aspect of the work programme overseen by the District Centres Subgroup, and were considering new opportunities to engage local stakeholders and enhance the quality of Manchester neighbourhoods.
The report summarised the outcome of the Chorlton and Gorton Place Management Pilots, which had reached final report stage and recommended next steps to conclude the project. The report was accompanied by presentations submitted by the IPM.
Dr Nikos Ntounis and Dr Chloe Steadman from the IPM referred to the main points and themes within the presentations which included: -
- Describing the approach to the Place Management Pilots;
- Information on the Chorlton Place Management Pilot, including an overview of findings and recommendations;
- Information on the Gorton Place Management Pilot, including an overview of findings and recommendations; and
- Next Steps.
The Subgroup heard from Councillor Holt, Ward Councillor for Chorlton. She stated that she welcomed the report and asked what could be done next to realise the ambitions for Chorlton to ensure it was a great place for people living in and visiting the area and to ensure it remained viable long term. She stated that Chorlton benefited from a diversity of shops and services and that the gentrification of the area should be resisted for the benefit of all residents.
The Subgroup heard from Councillor Hacking, Ward Councillor for Chorlton, who stated that he welcomed the report. He stated that it was very comprehensive, and confirmed what local Members already knew about the area. He welcomed the reported increased number of visitors to Chorlton, commenting that this was very encouraging when compared to the challenges experienced in other areas. With regard to capacity he stated there were a number of complex developments in the area, and questioned whether the local Neighbourhood Team had the required resources available to manage and coordinate this. He stated that the brand of Chorlton did exist amongst the local population and across Manchester. With regard to the public realm he commented that the pavements were in a poor state of repair and investment in the public realm was required. He commented that Beech Road was a vibrant area that reflected the changing demands of the market. In response to a comment from a Member regarding the impact of the closure of the Leisure Centre on local traders, he stated that whist regretting the closure of the centre, this had not been an issue, adding that there were a number of businesses on Manchester Road and the challenge now was how that site and that side of the road was to be developed.
The Chair commented that the footfall data, in particular for the Great Get Together event should be circulated to Members and local traders. She further commented that the evening offer was not centred around the core of the district centre but rather spread out across the wider area and this needed to be taken into consideration in the delineation of the district centre in the new Local Plan. She further acknowledged the comments regarding the importance of the public realm.
The Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration stated that she recognised the importance of stakeholder involvement in developing local plans, using an Our Manchester approach at a local, grassroots level. She stated that one of the benefits of this would be to foster a sense of place, similar to what had been described by Manchester Life. She acknowledged the Members’ comments regarding the public realm and stated that this was not unique to Chorlton and the impact of austerity could not be underestimated.
Dr Ntounis stated that he welcomed the comments from the Subgroup and that these would be relayed to the core team at IPM.
The Subgroup heard from Councillor Reid, Ward Councillor for Gorton and Abbey Hey. She questioned why the footfall counter had been positioned on the south side of Hyde Road, stating that this was an inappropriate location and the views of Councillors should have been sought on this. She stated that the market would have been a better location to capture an accurate count of footfall, commenting about the success and popularity of the market. She stated that options for extending the market offer into the evening should be explored.
Councillor Reid stated that the report did not fully reflect the views of people from Gorton and questioned the level of input from local residents. She further questioned the emphasis within the report given to Gorton Monastery, adding that this was not the centre of Gorton. She further commented that the report should have included information on the new Community Hub and a new youth centre that was due to be opened, both of which, she advised, would stimulate the local economy. She commented that the report did not recognise the amount of housing that was being developed in the local area. She also stated that more needed to be done to improve the night-time economy offer.
A Member of the Subgroup who was a Ward Councillor for Gorton and Abbey Hey commented that the report did not include comments and recommendations that he had made at consultation events, for example, comments on leisure facilities and the improvements required for the shops on Hyde Road. He also stated that the market should be utilised to stimulate other activities, such as craft and food markets that would act as an attraction and encourage people to visit in the evenings and on Sundays.
The Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration commented that the consultation workshops had been attended by the Gorton Events Group and that the report did focus on opportunities and priorities, including using the unique history of the area to help create a branding for the area. She agreed that more needed to be done to engage with local traders on Hyde Road. She stated that consideration would be given as to how markets generally could be used to act as a hub for activities, and this subject was scheduled to be discussed at the next meeting of the Subgroup.
Dr Chloe Steadman stated that she welcomed the comments from the Subgroup and that these would be relayed to the core team at IPM. She commented that whilst it was recognised that each district centre was unique there were opportunities to share learning and good practice across district centres. For example in Withington the local traders had organised a Withington at Night event that had witnessed a 30% increase in footfall in the evening.
Dr Steadman stated that the IPM had not been involved with the positioning of the footfall counter and she would take the comments of the Subgroup back to the partners who had installed it.
The Head of City Policy stated that the reports were currently in draft form, that he welcomed the contributions from the Subgroup and that these would be taken into account prior to the final reports being published. He stated that consideration needed to be given as to how local people could then take ownership of the reports and take these forward, using the intelligence that had been obtained.
To note the report and presentations.
Supporting documents:
- Vital and Viable Neighbourhoods/Place Management Update, item 8. PDF 291 KB
- Appendix 1 - Chorlton, item 8. PDF 3 MB
- Appendix 2 - Gorton, item 8. PDF 5 MB