Agenda item

Agenda item

Application for a SSEV Variation for Whiskey Down, 18-22 Lloyd Street, Manchester, M2 5WA

The report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is attached.


The applicant attended the hearing unrepresented, the applicant explained to the Sub-Committee that his solicitor was unable to attend for the reason that he was in hospital to undergo a surgical procedure. The applicant explained that he had tried to instruct an alternative legal representation to attend the hearing in his solicitor’s absence but this was not possible due to the short notice given. In the circumstances the applicant requested a short deferral of the hearing in order to be legally represented. He further explained that discussions had been ongoing with Licensing Out of Hours and GMP and the adjournment would allow these to continue as one of the officers had also been on emergency leave and they had not been able to conclude the negotiations. The other parties did not object to the hearing being deferred to a future date.




To defer the hearing to a future date which would be communicated to all parties as soon as possible.

Supporting documents: