Agenda item

Agenda item

Manchester Zero Carbon 2038 - Manchester City Council's Commitment

The report of the Head of City Policy is attached


In February 2008 we approved 17 Principles of Tackling Climate Change in Manchester and committed the City to becoming low carbon by 2020 (Minute Exe/08/27). In January 2009 we had gone on to adopt the “Call to Action” that sought to inspire and enable stakeholders to become fully engaged in the need to undertake mainstream activities in different ways to reduce carbon (Minute Exe/09/4). In February 2014 we had approved the Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) for 2014/15 to 2016/17 (Minute Exe/14/22). In 2015 that plan was extended to run until 2017/18 (Minute Exe/15/034). In November 2018 we had adopted the Tyndall Centre’s proposed targets and definition of zero carbon on behalf of the city. We also committed to developing a draft action plan by March 2019, and a final detailed plan by March 2020, setting out how the city will ensure that it stays within the proposed carbon budget (Minute Exe/18/101).


A report now submitted by the Head of City Policy sets out a framework for future action to achieve the targets set in 2018. The report also described the progress that has been made since November 2018 and the Council’s contribution to achieving the targets.


The report explained the recent work of the Manchester Climate Change Board (MCCB) on the development of a draft framework for the city for 2020-38 and an action plan for 2020-2022. A copy of the framework and draft action plan was appended to the report.


The MCCB had also developed a methodology to assist organisations across the city to develop an action plan from 2020 to 2022. The methodology being recommended to organisations was:

·         measure emissions,

·         set science-based targets,

·         explore the ‘how’,

·         enhance business case,

·         develop action plans.


The report also explained that MCCB had engaged with the 10 ‘pioneer’ organisations that had signed up to the zero carbon 2038 ambitions:

·         MAST (Manchester Arts Sustainability Team); 

·         Bruntwood;

·         Faith Network (Our Faith, Our Planet);

·         Healthcare (NHS);

·         Manchester City Council;

·         Manchester City Football Club;

·         Manchester Housing Providers Partnership;

·         Manchester Metropolitan University;

·         University of Manchester;

·         Electricity Northwest.


Those pioneers had been tasked with developing individual action plans from 2020 to 2022 detailing how they would contribute to the overall carbon saving required.


In a similar way, the report set out how the Council would work to develop a new Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) to replace the existing CCAP that was first adopted in 2014.


It was noted that a recent meeting the Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee had also considered the report and had endorse its recommendations (Minute NESC/19/17).


The proposals were agreed.




1.         To endorse the draft Manchester Zero Carbon Framework, as appended to the report, as the city’s overarching approach to meeting its science-based climate change targets over the period 2020-38, as part of the wider Our Manchester policy framework.


2.         To commit to work with partners to develop the final Framework and Action Plan for 2020-22, by March 2020 at the latest.


3.         To commit to implement the Council’s actions for 2019/20, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.


4.         To commit to produce a detailed action plan for the Council’s climate change work during 2020-22, in terms of direct, organisational emissions and also the influencing and enabling role that the Council can play through its planning, procurement, regulatory and other powers.


5.         To commit to work with partners to secure the resources the city requires to commence full implementation of the Framework 2020-38 and Action Plan 2020-22, from April 2020.



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