Agenda item

Agenda item

Highways Workforce - Presentation

Presentation by the Director of Operations (Highways)


The Sub Group considered the presentation provided by the Director of Operations (Highways).


Officers referred to the main points and themes within the presentation which included: -


?              An overview of the Highways structure and teams;

?              A profile of the workforce;

?              Health and Wellbeing data;

?              Comparative information for the 2017 and 2018 BHeard survey results and areas identified for improvement; and

?              Identified challenges and opportunities.


Some of the key points that arose from the Sub Group’s discussions were: -


?              To recognise the improvements that were being made to the Highways Service;

?              The rate and type of sickness absence within the service;

?              That it was important to be clear to staff that expectations had changed and that they would be supported through good management to improve rather than dwelling on past performance issues which had stemmed from poor management;

?              The importance of About You sessions as a starting point for performance management and, where necessary, capability procedures, and to request information on what percentage of staff had had an About You session with their manager;

?              What the results of the BHeard Survey were for senior staff within the service;

?              What was being done to fill vacancies, including those at senior levels, and the importance of offering flexible working to attract people to the service; and

?              The importance of ensuring that appropriate reasonable adjustments were being made for disabled staff.


The Director of Operations (Highways) reported that previously staff on long term sickness absence had not been managed back to work but that now this was being addressed through return to work plans, home visits and regular contact.  The Head of Transformation (Highways) informed Members that, of the 44 people that had been absent during the reporting period due to long-term sickness, 13 of these were stress related.  The Executive Member for Environment, Planning and Transport reported that, in a presentation to a future meeting, officers would include more detailed information on absences. She highlighted that Manchester Contracts had particular challenges which required additional support and that their figures were not representative of the whole Highways Service.


The Head of Transformation (Highways) agreed that staff needed the opportunity and support to do their job well and outlined the training being provided to supervisors and how staff were being engaged with.  The Head of HR Operations reported that the service had a full-time HR resource allocated to it.


The Head of Transformation (Highways) informed Members that staff at Grades 10 to 12 were the most disengaged, according to the BHeard survey, and that this was in relation to the Fair Deal, My Team and My Company factors.  She reported that workshops had taken place with this staff group and plans were being put in place to address the issues they raised. 


The Head of Transformation (Highways) reported that officers were reviewing the recruitment strategy in terms of the best channels and materials to promote the vacancies and that it would include targeting specific groups, such as women in construction.  The Director of Operations (Highways) reported that he was working with the Head of Work and Skills to develop a ‘Made in Manchester’ programme to offer graduate schemes and apprenticeships which included placements with a range of partners.  He informed Members that officers were also working with military charities to see if the Council could attract ex-armed services personnel to work in this area.  The Chair welcomed this.


The Director of Operations (Highways) informed Members that health screening in relation to Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) and hearing tests had been undertaken for all staff in Manchester Contracts. This had identified a number of people that required adjustments, and reasonable adjustments had then been made, where appropriate.  This was also welcomed by the Chair.  A Member suggested that the next presentation including information on the impact this was having on staff absence.




To request a further presentation or report in 6 to 9 months’ time to include:


?       What percentage of staff in the service had had About You sessions with their manager and the reasons for any which had not taken place, whether this was resulting in improvements in performance and any capability procedures which had been started;

?       Information demonstrating that reasonable adjustments were being made for disabled staff;

?       What the impact on staff absences was of testing for health issues such as HAVS and making reasonable adjustments;

?       Information on any remaining vacancies in the service, including why they had not been filled, what the plan was to fill them and, if applicable, an analysis of the reasons that a particular post could not be filled.  To also include consideration of apprenticeships and recruitment opportunities for groups such as ex-offenders and young people leaving care.

Supporting documents: