Agenda item

Agenda item

121537/FO/2018 - Land Bounded By Pottery Lane, Gorton Lane, Belle Vue Street And Polesworth Close Manchester M12 5JD.

The report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is attached. 


The application site is comprised of two separate pieces of land located either side of Gorton Lane at the junction with Pottery Lane within the Gorton area of the City. The two sites measure approximately 0.98 hectares in combined area, with Site 1 measuring 0.286 hectares, and Site 2 measuring 0.695 hectares.


Planning permission is sought through this application for a proposed residential development comprising 13 no. houses and 102 no. apartments across the two sites. The houses are either semi-detached or detached properties, and the apartments are provided within 4no. blocks ranging in height from 3 to 6 storeys.


The proposed housing will be of an affordable tenure, providing a mix of shared ownership and rent to buy properties increasing access to new affordable homes in the East Manchester area.


The applicant spoke in support of the proposals and said that the development would support the strategic aims for the City and this neighbourhood by delivering a high quality scheme in a priority location. The redevelopment of this site with a quality development will bring forward major environmental and regeneration benefits to the neighbourhood. The proposals would bring about the comprehensive redevelopment of the site and will be a major catalyst for further regeneration in this area.  It is considered that the scheme would transform this junction on a main radial route in the City with the provision of quality residential accommodation close to existing employment opportunities and a range of locally available services.


The proposal will see the redevelopment of a brownfield site where the site is currently underused, within the heart of one of Manchester's key regeneration areas and positioned along a main radial route in the City.  A total of 115 spacious residential units will be created which will contribute to the City's residential growth strategy and help support neighbourhoods of choice by introducing affordable accommodation.


He said that the applicant had worked closely with officers to ensure that the scale and design of the proposals were appropriate, and the clarifications within the report would address the concerns of current residents.


The Committee welcomed the proposals, and asked for clarification as to whether older people would be targeted to attract them to the apartment blocks, as there was a current focus on initial home buying rather than older people home buying. 


The Committee also commented that they would like to see the Council having at least 50% nomination rights to the properties, and would like to see a mixture of affordable housing, private sale and social housing at social rent. 


Officers confirmed that the scheme would be open to anyone to apply for any of the units, and not just targeted at younger residents.  In addition, The land is subject to a development agreement, so the Council would not manage the list of nomination through the planning process, but officers would consult with colleagues as to how this could happen in the future. 


 The Committee asked for clarification as to the arrangements for Waste Management, and officers confirmed that there will be a full Waste Management Strategy employed, and that the arrangements had been fully tested and found to be adequate. 


Officers confirmed that there would be retention of existing trees and additional tree planting, to assist with reducing noise as much as possible, but that the location of the site was already on a busy road, so the increased levels of noise were within acceptable limits. 




To approve the application subject to the conditions and reasons in the report and the late representation.




Supporting documents: