Agenda item

Agenda item

122025/FO/2018 - 17 Northen Grove Manchester M20 2NL

The report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is attached.


(Councillor N Ali in the Chair)


The application site is a 2-storey, 5-bedroom semi-detached, double-fronted Victorian house situated on the eastern side of Northen Grove in the Didsbury West ward. The property has accommodation over 4 floors including 3 large cellar chambers, living room, dining room, kitchen and utility room at ground floor, 3 bedrooms and a bathroom at first floor and 2 bedrooms with a further bathroom at second floor. There are modest sized gardens at the front and rear and a tarmac driveway along the northern side of the property. The property is bounded at the front by its original brick dwarf wall with stone copers and original gate posts, and both brick and timber panel fencing at the rear. Within the rear garden there are both an original brick outhouse and a brick garage.


The application proposes the change of use of a dwelling house (Class C3a) to a house in multiple occupation (Class C4). No elevational alterations are proposed; the application is accompanied by a copy of a letting advertisement (which advertises the property as 4-bedroom). 


A local resident spoke in objection to the proposals, and said that the existing parking problems would be greatly exacerbated should the permission be granted.  She explained that the road was so narrow, an ambulance that had been called to a resident had to park in the middle of the road, completely blocking the road.  In addition, the current parking situation made the street dangerous for pedestrians, with pavements regularly blocked by both vehicles and bins, and an HMO would just make this worse.


Officers reminded the Committee that the application had been recommended for refusal, and reiterated the reasons for refusal that had been submitted.




To refuse the application for the following reasons.    


1.    The proposed change of use would lead to the loss of a family dwelling which would undermine the aim of achieving an appropriate balance of housing provision in the locality and the objective of achieving a sustainable and cohesive housing offer. The proposal is therefore contrary to the provisions of policies H6, H11, SP1 and DM1 of the Manchester Core Strategy, the Guide to Development in Manchester SPD and to the Manchester Residential Quality Guidance document.


2.    The proposed change of use of the property into a House in Multiple Occupation, would lead to an overly intensive use of the site which would be detrimental to the amenities of neighbouring residents leading to increased levels of noise and activity from the general comings and goings which would be detrimental to the amenity of neighbouring occupiers contrary to policies SP1 and DM1 of the Manchester Core Strategy and saved UDP policy DC26.1.


3.    The proposed change of use does not include sufficient arrangements for the parking of vehicles within the curtilage of the site and it is considered that the potential requirement for car parking generated by the proposed use would result in on-street parking in the locality which would exacerbate existing car parking difficulties and traffic congestion. This in turn would be detrimental to highway safety and the amenity of nearby residential occupiers, contrary to policies T2, SP1 and DM1 of the Manchester Core Strategy.


(Councillor Ellison declared a prejudicial interest in this item and took no part in the debate or the decision and left the room while the decision was made)



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