Agenda item

Agenda item

Northern Gateway Strategic Regeneration Framework Update

Report of the Strategic Director (Development)


This report provides an update to the Executive of the outcome of the public consultation exercise carried out with local residents, businesses, landowners and key stakeholders, throughout August and September 2018, on the draft Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) for the Northern Gateway.  The report responds to the issues raised and seeks the Executive’s endorsement and approval of the final SRF.


The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director (Development), which provided an update of the outcome of the public consultation exercise carried out with local residents, businesses, landowners and key stakeholders, throughout August and September 2018, on the draft Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) for the Northern Gateway. 


The Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration referred to the main points and themes in the report which included:-


·                Details of the SRF consultation process and communication methods used;

·                A synopsis of the comments received via the consultation questionnaire and community representations, the majority of which were generally supportive of the proposals, and covered the following areas-

·                Housing and density

·                Community and social facilities

·                Accessibility and connectivity;

·                Green spaces and public realm;

·                Neighbourhood management

·                History and heritage of the Northern Gateway area;

·                Comments from landowners and businesses received via written representation;

·                An overview of statutory agency/stakeholder responses received via written representations; and

·                Outcomes from a health stakeholder workshop which focussed specifically on the population health and care impacts of the draft SRF.


The Committee had been invited to comment on the report prior to its submission to the Executive on 13 February 2019.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committees discussions were:-


·                     It was not felt appropriate for a news bulletin to have been released advising of the Council’s intentions in regards to the Northern Gateway prior to these proposals having been through the Scrutiny and Executive processes;

·                     When would local Ward Councillors be consulted on the content of the proposed consultation;

·                     Assurance was sought that communities and local councillors would be fully involved in the proposed creation of new communities with their views taken into account;

·                     Was the low response rate to the consultation considered satisfactory on proposals of this scale;

·                     The emphasis on the green and blue space within the proposals was welcomed;

·                     It was pleasing to see proposals for district centres which would be aligned with public facilities;

·                     Whilst the investment and vision was welcomed, a commitment was sought that the rehousing of any residents would be handled in an appropriate and sympathetic manner;

·                     Was there any more information on the consultation comments in relation to revenue considerations; and

·                     Had any conversations started with communities in regards to the development plans.


The Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration affirmed her position that she did value the scrutiny process and apologised that the recent press release had not reflected that the proposals would be considered by Scrutiny to allow the Executive to take into consideration any recommendations prior to a decisions being made.  She also commented that there had been a number of one to one consultations with each Ward, which took place before Christmas 2018., and the proposals had not changed since then.  It was acknowledged that the communities needed to be at the heart of these proposals, and there had been good attendance at the drop in session that had taken place.  Strong feedback had been received from residents around the facilities and support needed, which would be incorporated into how the vision would be developed.  A commitment was made to continue to consult with residents as proposals developed.


In terms of the response level to the consultation process, it was reported that a lot of the geography the proposals covered were unpopulated or had a low residential base.  In comparison to consultations on other proposals of a similar size, the level of responses that had been received were similar and considered satisfactory.  Furthermore, the Committee was advised that the Council had not started any detailed consultations yet on the proposals, what had taken place so far was based on the high level strategic framework, and what was needed next was consulting with residents on detailed phasing plans following Executive approval of phase one.


The Committee was advised that in relation to revenue considerations, it was reported that a place management plan would be critical to address these considerations in order to increase enforcement and tackle issues that were prevalent in the area.




The Committee:-


(1)       Requests that the Executive ensure that there is continued conversations with local residents and ward councillors on the proposals;

(2)       Endorses the recommendations contained within the report that the Executive:-


·                     Note the comments received on the draft SRF and the response to these comments;

·                     Note the changes made to the SRF as set out within appendix 4; and

·                Approve the Northern Gateway SRF with the intention that it will become a material consideration in the Council’s decision making process as Local Planning Authority. 


[Councillor Johns declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in this item as his employer undertook the social economic vision for the Far East Consortium and left the meeting during consideration of this item].


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