Agenda item
Member Development and Training
The report of the City Solicitor is enclosed.
The Committee considered the report of the City Solicitor that provided an update on the operation and efficacy of the Member Development Strategy and training delivered since February 2023.
The report provided an overview of the Member Development Strategy 2022-24. The updated Strategy was included and set out proposed minor changes.
The report provided details of the New Member Induction 2023 and gave a breakdown of the three sessions provided for newly elected Members and the attendance for each. Members had provided feedback following the sessions and this was reflected in the proposed changes for the updated New Member Induction. The report also set out details of member training and development held during February 2022 - January 2023; the training programme for May 2024 – April 2025 and details of the budget to provide training for Elected Members.
The Chair invited questions from the Committee.
In relation to Members’ Induction, Members made the following comments:-
· It was suggested all returning Members should be invited to the induction.
· That completion of cyber security training was important as was carbon literacy training.
· New Members should be advised that induction would be extended to allow for completion of cyber security training during the induction session so they could plan accordingly and if Members could not stay beyond a certain time alternative dates be put in place to attend for completion of important cyber Security e-learning.
· As there was a lot to take in offer new Members the opportunity to revisit areas a few months down the line.
· Sought confirmation that completion of Register of Interests forms were picked up at Induction.
The Head of Business Support and Development confirmed that an invitation to attend the induction could be made to returning Members and that last year one existing Member did attend the induction. In addition to Cyber e-learning new Members would be requested to bring to the Induction paperwork required to complete DBS checks and that Human Resources staff had been asked to attend to support completion of DBS paperwork. He also confirmed that Members were encouraged to complete their Register of Interests forms during the induction with staff on hand to provide support. He confirmed that all newly elected Members were advised of the training timetable and the time required to complete each session. The extended session from the Neighbourhoods Directorate reflected that this was an area where new Members were likely to need information early on. He also indicated that new Members were invited to attend a complementary induction programme delivered by the North-West Employers organisation.
A Member referred to guidance provided by the Home Office concerning the safety and security of Councillors and Members of Parliament to provide contact details of a dedicated named police contact for raising concerns and liaising on security, expanding the existing Operation BRIDGER network (Policy Paper – Defending democracy policing papers (Published 28 February 2024)). Officers were asked if this proposal could be followed up for Members to be informed of the GMP contact.
With reference to Elected Members safety and security, it was reported that safety devices had been issued to Elected Members last year.
The Monitoring Officer reported that she would raise the matter with the Strategic Director (Neighbourhoods) to determine the dedicated named police contact and that security of Members was a priority, during the period leading up to an election and all other times.
The Monitoring Officer made reference to cyber training and explained that the priority of the training is to protect the Council and equip Elected Members with the skills to be able to identify emails that are from a reliable source and those that are not and to take action accordingly.
The Committee:
Noted the report on training delivered since
February 2023.
Approved the proposed changes to the Member
Development Strategy.
3. Support the proposed changes to the New Member Induction.
4. Requested officers to note the comments provided by the Committee concerning Member Induction arrangements.
Supporting documents:
- Standards - Member Training - March 2024, item 3. PDF 108 KB
- Appendix A - Member Development Strategy, item 3. PDF 253 KB
- Appendix B - Training record Feb 23 to Jan 24, item 3. PDF 84 KB