Agenda item
137657/FO/2023 - 27-29 Middleton Road Manchester M8 5DT
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing regarding the erection of two storey building (with basement) to form synagogue (Class F.1) following demolition of existing building, together with associated parking and landscaping.
The application related to a pair of semi-detached dwellinghouses which had been subdivided into flats. Consent is sought for the erection of a two-storey building (with
basement) to form a synagogue (Class F.1) following demolition of existing building,
together with associated parking and landscaping. The application site is located within the Crumpsall Lane Conservation Area.
7 objections and 103 emails of support had been received.
The Planning Officer stated that if members were to agree the recommendation of Officers, they would ask for one additional condition regarding another bat survey taking place before demolition of the building.
An objector attended and addressed the Committee, noting the proposal to demolish two houses and replace with a religious centre. The houses are part of a conservation area and were part of the reason why there is a conservation area in the first place. The objector could not see the justification for demolishing the properties. They raised concerns regarding traffic, noting the site is between two sets of traffic lights with congestion issues already apparent. They felt the application would make the congestion issues worse.
The applicant attended and addressed the Committee, accepting that it was a conservation area. The application had been in process for two years to ensure that the design addressed the needs of the area. They noted that they would not be able to keep the building as it was, and that the application brought less than substantial harm. Issues relating to traffic and parking had been addressed in the report, noting that the building was for an Orthodox religious community who were prohibited from driving on the days they visited the centre.
The Planning Officer accepted that it was regrettable to lose a building in a conservation area but it has been fully explored with the applicant whether it was possible to reuse the existing building or retain the frontage but it was accepted that the proposed scheme was an appropriate design and that there would be less than substantial harm with the public benefits outweighing any limited harm. The Planning Officer was satisfied that users of the centre would walk and not drive.
A member queried if the building was still in use as housing.
The Planning Officer stated that the building was in use as apartments, owned by the applicant. There was a condition that the applicant would assist those living in the apartments with relocation.
A member questioned if there would be a pressure on timing relating to that relocation.
The Planning Officer stated that the condition would include time scales to relocate existing tenants.
Councillor Riasat moved the Officer’s recommendation.
Councillor S. Ali seconded the proposal.
The Committee resolved to be Minded to Approve (subject to statutory notices lapsing and no new issues being raised).
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