Agenda item

Agenda item

[3.05-3.35] Enabling Independence Accommodation Strategy Update

Report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Services & Strategic Director Growth & Development


This report provides an update on the delivery of the Enabling Independence Accommodation Strategy for Manchester (2022-2032) which was considered and supported by Committee on 12 October 2022, prior to its approval at Executive in November 2022.



The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Services & Strategic Director (Growth and Development) that provided an update on the delivery of the Enabling Independence Accommodation Strategy for Manchester (2022-2032) which was considered and supported by the Committee on 12 October 2022, prior to its approval at Executive in November 2022.


Key points and themes in the report included:


·         Noting that the key aim of the strategy was to improve housing with care and support options to meet people's needs and better enable their independence;

·         Describing that it was a partnership strategy, developed between Adults, Children’s, Homelessness, Strategic Housing, Property Development, and the Manchester Housing Providers Partnership;

·         Reporting progress to date, noting the progress made in the first year of this 10-year strategy;

·         Describing the four key objectives of the strategy;

·         Reporting the key stages of delivery of the strategy;

·         Discussion of the assessment of current provision;

·         Discussion of future demand and how this need would be addressed;

·         Consideration of the building upon our care and support at home services;

·         Case studies; and

·         Next steps.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were:


·         Welcoming the report and recognising the importance of supporting people to remain living safely in their communities, close to their families and support network;

·         Recognising that this important work was integral and important for individuals and communities;

·         Welcoming the scale of work delivered by the Manchester Equipment and Adaptations Partnership and Community Alarm and Technology Enabled Care service;

·         Recognising the importance of adaptations to support people to remain living safely in their own homes;

·         The need to promote widely the positive and important initiatives described within the report;

·         Welcoming the inclusion of the case studies;

·         Did the work and ambitions described meet the needs of the population;

·         Noting the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) funding was not sufficient to keep up with increased demand and construction cost and calling for adequate funding from government; and

·         Commenting that investment in these initiatives saved money in the longer term as individuals were not accessing costly acute or care settings.


The Commissioning Manager Strategic Housing stated that the service was continually exploring all opportunities to deliver future schemes. She commented that the Housing Needs Assessment would inform future commissioning considerations, noting that future schemes would consider the housing needs of young disabled people.


The Executive Director of Adult Social Services acknowledged the discussion relating to the DFG, adding that it was not sufficient to meet the demand. She described that despite the challenges the service remained committed to being innovative and suggested that Members undertake a visit to the Smart Suite, a new facility that had opened in Manchester that allowed people to see and try out the equipment and adaptations that could keep them independent at home. The Members welcomed this invitation.


The Assistant Director Adult Social Services (Commissioning) welcomed the recognition of the work of the Manchester Equipment and Adaptations Partnership and Community Alarm and Technology Enabled Care service, adding that it was important to record and report these activities as it supported independent living and helped support the case for an increase in the DFG. She further paid tribute to the partnership work and positive relationship established with housing providers to deliver these interventions to support residents.  


The Executive Member for Housing and Development paid tribute to the partnership approach to deliver the strategy. He commented that the relationship between housing and health outcomes was understood and the ongoing stated commitment to partnership working would help deliver the best outcomes for Manchester residents.


The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care stated that he welcomed the many positive comments from the Committee adding that the report clearly articulated the ambitions for the city. He stated that the strategy recognised the nature and importance of place. He said that despite the government’s failure to adequately fund and acknowledge the importance of this work, Manchester had taken the lead nationally on this issue.


The Chair in concluding this item of business paid tribute to the work described and requested that an update report be provided to the Committee at an appropriate time.




To note the report and that a visit to the Smart Suite be arranged for Members.


Supporting documents: