Agenda item
Questions to Executive Members and Others under Procedural Rule 23
To receive answers to any questions that councillors have raised in accordance with Procedural Rule 23.
Councillor White responded to a question from Councillor Taylor regarding announcement of the successful Levelling Up bid for Wythenshawe's Civic Centre.
Councillor T Robinson responded to a question from Councillor Lyons regarding what measures the Council was currently undertaking to support the delivery of sexual health services, particularly in relation to PreP, across the city.
Councillor Rawlins responded to a question from Councillor Nunney regarding what was being done to maintain or improve the existing infrastructure to stop roads flooding whenever there was persistent or heavy rain.
Councillor Akbar responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding what assessment had been made of the impact of the Autumn statement on future revenue for Manchester to spend on vital local services.
Councillor Rawlins responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding what was considered to be a reasonable length of time for street light repairs to be completed.
Councillor White responded to a question from Councillor Leech regarding how many previous complaints from families housed in an uninhabitable home, rife with damp and mould, had been reviewed, how many of these complaints were being dealt with, and repairs carried out, to avoid further complaints being submitted to the Housing Ombudsman.
In the absence of Councillor Igbon to provide a response to a question from Councillor Leech for an update on the progress made so far with the leaf removal programme, the Lord Mayor advised that a written response would be forwarded to the councillor.
Councillor Midgely responded to a question from Councillor Good regarding prompt access safe temporary accommodation for those who were homeless within the city.
In the absence of Councillor Igbon to provide a response to a question from Councillor Good regarding what the Council was doing to improve fly-tipping in Manchester, the Lord Mayor advised that a written response would be forwarded to the councillor.
Councillor White responded to a question from Councillor Good regarding an update on the Grey Mare Lane Regeneration Steering Group.
Councillor Rawlins responded to a question from Councillor Good regarding why the Council had refused to fund the works to fix the drainage issues on Purslow Close in Beswick.
Councillor Rawlins responded to a question from Councillor Good regarding when the Ancoats Residents' Parking Scheme would be implemented.
Councillor Rahman responded to a question from Councillor Good regarding how many CCTV cameras operated by the Council were currently non-functional or in a state of disrepair.
Councillor White responded to a question from Councillor Good regarding what the £32m public investment into Ancoats Green was going towards.
Councillor White responded to a question from Councillor Good regarding an update on the Central Retail Park Strategic Regeneration Framework.
Councillor White responded to a question from Councillor Northwood regarding whether consideration would be given to reducing ground rent on council-owned residential freeholds to a peppercorn.
Councillor Midgely responded to a question from Councillor Northwood regarding what her understanding of allyship was.
In the absence of Councillor Igbon to provide a response to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding what time frame should residents expect between reporting the issue of leaf mulching and detritus becomes dangerous or impassable and action being taken, the Lord Mayor advised that a written response would be forwarded to the councillor.
In the absence of Councillor Igbon to provide a response to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding how close was the Council to changing its policy for parks to be protected by placing them into perpetuity, the Lord Mayor advised that a written response would be forwarded to the councillor.
Councillor Craig responded to a question from Councillor Kilpatrick regarding whether there would be future support for an official motion in relation to the call for recognition of the Great Ukrainian Famine, otherwise known as Holodomor, which was deliberately engineered by the Soviet Union upon the people of Ukraine, where it was estimated that between 3.5-5 million Ukrainians lost their lives.
Councillor Rahman responded to a question from Councillor Shilton Godwin regarding the need for continued support from Greater Manchester Police in relation to tackling the parking of vehicles on pavements