Agenda item

Agenda item

Fairer Health for All

The report of Director of Population Health, NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care and Director of Public Health, Manchester City Council is enclosed.


The Board considered the report of the Director of Population Health, NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care and the Director of Public Health, Manchester City Council, that described the opportunities for the Manchester Locality, through the Health and Wellbeing Board, to input and shape priorities for co-ordinated action on health inequalities across Greater Manchester. 


The report described that Fairer Health for All (FHFA) was a system-wide commitment and framework for reducing health inequality and tackling inequalities across the wider, social, and commercial determinants of health, leading to a greener, fairer, more prosperous city-region. In addition, it was noted that FHFA had been co-produced through extensive locality and community participation and engagement over the past fifteen months, which had taken place alongside the development of NHS Greater Manchester’s Integrated Care Partnership strategy and the Five Year Joint Forward Plan. 


Consideration would also be given to the proposed principles, targets and metrics in the Greater Manchester Fairer Health for All Framework. It was important to note that Manchester already had the well-developed Making Manchester Fairer Action Plan (2023-2027) and the Director of Public Health, Deputy Director of Public Health and the GM Director of Population Health would continue to work collaboratively to ensure plans were aligned and clear.   


The Board was requested to review and comment on the Fairer Health for All Framework Engagement Draft and engagement questions outlined in section 2.2 of the report submitted.


The Director of Population Health provided an overview of the plan and outlined the ongoing work to align sectors in addressing health inequalities. The Board was informed that the document sets out a plan and provides practical tools and resources to help make Fairer Health for All a reality. This includes two central tools: a Fairer Health for All Academy to support learning and development and Health and Care Intelligence Hub will foster shared learning and collaboration and collate vast and diverse intelligence, data and insights from across public and VCFSE partners.


Confirmation was given that the Fairer Health for All will be submitted to the Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care Partnership. Health Trusts will also receive the document for comment, via a task group appointed to provide the alignment to Manchester Foundation Trust. Discussions are currently ongoing to determine how the providers will be engaged.


The Chair welcomed and commented that the report is accessible to all audiences. In reference to the delivery work within localities it was requested that separate reference should be included in the final document to acknowledge this.


It was reported that the final report will include all linked plans as well as references to locality work.


The Chair invited questions and comments from the Board.


In response to the report the board made the following comments: -


In welcoming the report, the Chair of MFT highlighted the importance of using the document as a tool to help engage with and better inform local people and MFT members and use the input to complement the work of MFT Governors.


Reference was made to NHS community services/ Living Well at Home, and it was suggested that a more explicit reference on of role of community services within integrated urgent care should be included. Currently work across GM is working to standardise delivery of services and the inclusion of that work in the document would beneficial.


Reference was made to the importance of all partners working to the same plan and direction to ensure that the resources available to providers are used in the most efficient manner. The document contains information to help better support the dialogue for a joined-up and preventative care approach and inform financial planning to achieve it. 


A comment was made that it is important that the inclusion of principles to provide a level of standards on what to expect at a local level within a neighbourhood setting is presented as an enabler rather than another strategy.


A comment was made that specific reference could be made to work on commissioning within the care market.


In response to the points and comments made, the Director of Population Health referred to discussions currently ongoing on contracting and commissioning arrangements to agree on a process to align social value on commissioning. With reference to principles, there are principles included within the document. The principles are being used in conjunction with GM system boards and other partners on the design of an assurance process/framework.  The Fairer Health for All Academy website will be used to provide examples of the work and stories of change. The comment made on alignment of partners feature strongly within work to build relationships and strengthen communication. Developing models of care also provide the opportunity to make financial savings. The Director also undertook to provide feedback on a social model for health and where possible to support arrangements for the work of MFT Governors.


The board was informed that the next steps of the process for the document would be presented to locality boards during November across Greater Manchester, with a final consideration by the ICB and ICP in January 2024.




The Board noted the report.

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