Agenda item

Agenda item

Workforce Equalities Update

Report of the Director of Human Resources, Organisation Development and Transformation.


This report provides an update on progress to date to deliver the Workforce Equality Strategy and the Council’s journey to becoming a diverse and inclusive employer. The report includes updates from each directorate which sets out how they have supported the Council to build a diverse and inclusive workplace.






The committee considered a report of the Director of Human Resources, Organisation Development and Transformation which provided an update on progress to date to deliver the Workforce Equality Strategy and the Council’s journey to becoming a diverse and inclusive employer.


Key points and themes within the report included:


  • An introduction to the Workforce Equality Strategy;
  • Progress in delivering on the Strategy’s 47 actions, with 38 completed; 6 in progress; and 3 outstanding;
  • Data around the number of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) employees and those with a disability or long-term health condition;
  • How progress has been made with the Council’s leadership and management;
  • The work of staff network groups;
  • Communication and engagement;
  • Policies, processes and systems to strengthen diversity and inclusion;
  • How the Talent & Diversity team works with local communities to attract local diverse talent;
  • The Council workforce’s diversity profile;
  • Updates from each directorate on how they have supported the Council to build a diverse and inclusive workplace; and
  • An upcoming refresh of the Strategy in late 2023.


Key points and queries that arose from the committee’s discussions included:


  • Welcoming the Workforce Profile, and seeking clarification as to whether the average age included students and children under the age of 16;
  • Seeking clarification on the percentage of people in Manchester who identify as transgender;
  • Seeking clarification on the percentage of BAME residents in Manchester;
  • Noting that BAME employees were more likely to have a complaint made against them but that the outcome of a disciplinary process was typically the same as a White employee;
  • What work was being undertaken to increase take-up of the ‘Let’s Talk About Race’ training;
  • The age breakdown of staff undergoing ‘Let’s Talk About Race’ training;
  • Whether flexible working options would be considered in the Age Friendly Action Plan to support the Council to become an Age Friendly Employer;
  • Querying why non-completion rates of SAP Equality Data was highest in Children’s Services; and
  • Why there was no recognition of deafness or hearing impairment as a disability under the Diversity Data Subcategories in the Workforce Profile.


The Director of Human Resources, Organisation Development and Transformation explained that the report highlighted the significant work undertaken over the previous two years and how the Council had achieved against its ambitions to build a diverse and inclusive workforce and he acknowledged that there was more to be done.


The Head of Workforce Strategy reiterated that great progress had been made in delivering against the Workforce Equality Strategy since its launch in 2021, with most actions delivered. He stated that there continued to be a positive impact and explained that there had been an increase in Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority (BAME) representation at all levels in the Council and particularly at a senior level. There had also been an increase in representation of disabled employees at all levels. He also stated that feedback from the staff survey indicated that the workforce recognised improvements to equality, diversity and inclusion and that there was a strong sense of belonging.


The Head of Workforce Strategy stated that this work was a long-term priority for the Council and that a refresh of the Strategy would accelerate the journey to become a diverse workforce.


Directorate Equalities Leads were also present at the meeting.


The Chair relayed a written representation from Councillor Zahid Hussain, Lead Member for Race, who was unable to attend the meeting. He welcomed the HRODT department’s works and highlighted areas for increased focus. The Director of Human Resources, Organisation Development and Transformation welcomed the Lead Member for Race’s comments.


In response to the Chair’s queries regarding the Manchester population average data referenced in the Workforce Profile, the Head of Workforce Strategy confirmed that this included the whole population within Manchester as it was based on data from the 2021 Census. He endeavoured to clarify statistics around the transgender population and would provide clarification on this outside of the meeting.


The Director of Human Resources, Organisation Development and Transformation stated that an increase in Employee Dispute Resolution cases could be interpreted positively as it suggested that the workforce felt confident to raise issues with HR and that these issues would be responded to. The Head of Workforce Strategy informed the committee that the number of BAME employees who experienced disciplinary proceedings had decreased.


The Head of Workforce Strategy recognised the low take-up rate of ‘Let’s Talk About Race’ training and explained that each directorate had an action plan to deliver this over the next 6-12 months and confirmed that the age breakdown of employees accessing this training could be shared. The Strategic Head of Organisation Developmentstated that there was a breakdown of age and race for training such as ‘Let’s Talk About Race’, Inclusive Leadership and other key corporate training such as zero carbon and this data is helpful to identify areas to focus on. She recognised that training was easier to access for certain services and employees in the Council.


In response to a query regarding whether flexible working options would be considered in the Age Friendly Manchester action plan, the Director of Human Resources, Organisation Development and Transformation stated that the Council already had a number of flexible working options available, but that staff may not be fully aware of these. He noted that there would not be a one-size-fits-all approach and that this subject had been discussed by the Strategic Equalities Group. The Director of Human Resources, Organisation Development and Transformation was also due to meet with the Chair of the Older Peoples Staff Network to explore this area further and how flexible working options could be promoted.

With regards to training non-completion rates, particularly in Children’s Services, the Head of Workforce Strategy explained that this was a frontline service which engaged less with corporate communications and systems. The Directorate Equalities Lead for Children and Education Services explained that they had been advised to only ask employees for their equalities data once per year so as not to discourage them, noting that it was a personal choice to disclose such information. She explained that there was an increased confidence in and number of conversations to discuss race and trans inclusion and it was hoped that the equalities plan and communications resulted in an increased response. The Directorate Equalities Lead for Neighbourhoods echoed these comments and emphasised the importance of increasing confidence to share equalities data.


The committee was also advised that the equality data categories were being reviewed to ensure that staff can identify any disability or impairment they may have, and that staff networks were engaged with this work.


The Executive Member for Finance and Resources stated that wanting to build a diverse and talented workforce was important for all public and private sector organisations but that there was not a template for success and every organisation was unique. He emphasised the need to build sound foundations and thanked the HRODT team for their work. He also stated that a diverse, inclusive and talented workforce would be good for the city.




That the committee


  1. notes the progress made by the Council to deliver the Workforce Equality Strategy;
  2. notes the progress made by each directorate to deliver workforce equality, diversity, and inclusion;
  3. notes the plan to refresh the Workforce Equality Strategy;
  4. requests further clarification on the percentage of people in Manchester who identify as transgender;
  5. requests that the age breakdown of staff undergoing ‘Let’s Talk About Race’ training be shared with members; and
  6. requests that the Workforce Profile be updated in line with members’ comments regarding deafness and hearing impairment.

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