Agenda item
Armed Forces Community Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
Report of Strategic Director of Children and Education Services attached
The Board considered the report of the Strategic Director of Children and Education Services that provided a summary of the evidence and data regarding the health of the armed forces community. It described some of the health issues that may affect members of the armed forces community and what the data from the 2021 Census told us about UK armed forces veterans living in Manchester.
The report also described what Manchester City Council and other organisations working in the city are doing to support members of the armed forces community and their families as well as some of the opportunities for action that existed.
The Chair welcomed the report and referred to the provision of support at a national level to ex-service personnel returning to civilian life, suffering from mental health issues and/or physical injuries or other illnesses. The production of a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment will help to bridge the gap of the national strategy and better focus services for veterans and serving members of the armed forces and their families living within Manchester, to help them to settle and access help with medical issues and employment opportunities.
Members of the Board welcomed the report and acknowledged the work of those to help ex-service personnel and there their families to settle within communities and help with employment. Also, the work to help those who are employed and who are members of the TA and serve and return to work. It is important for those employers who have employees serving in the armed forces to allow them time to return and readjust to civilian life. Reference was made to the importance of raising of awareness of local GPs on the process to access the mental health support pathway. There are currently twenty-two GP surgeries involved under the OP Courage and Transition intervention and liaison service operated by MFT. Recognising skills that can be transferred to the civilian workplace is a major factor in helping ex-service personnel, and employers are asked to look further than the individual’s academic achievement to include other important skills that have been developed in the armed services, when considering an offer of employment.
The Director of Public Health reported that the new style to the production of Joint Strategic Needs Assessments will be a briefer concise document that will include a structure to include the nature of challenges involved in an area of service and provide opportunities for action. This model will be developed to allow contributors to take ownership of the document. The proposal to include consultation with GPs to raise awareness of OP Courage and Transition intervention and liaison service will be included in the JSNA to move the matter forward in promoting the service to veterans and armed forces personnel.
The Health and Wellbeing Board;
Note the content of the Joint Strategic Needs
2. Support the opportunities for further action described in the JSNA.
To endorse the inclusion within the JSNA of GP surgery liaison and consultation to raise awareness of the OP Courage and Transition intervention and liaison service.
Supporting documents:
- Armed Forces Community JSNA, item 17. PDF 86 KB
- Appendix 1 - Armed Forces JSNA June 2023, item 17. PDF 1 MB