Agenda item

Agenda item

136812/OO/2023 - Land At Red Bank Victoria North Manchester

The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing that presented the outline of an application for a development comprising: Erection of a residential led mixed use development across severable plots comprising residential (Use Class C3a); non-residential floorspace comprising commercial, business, service and community uses (Use Classes E, F and Sui Generis); residents amenity space including within clubhouse buildings; health centre (Use Class E); a primary school (Use Class F); the final surface finish of the highway and footpath consented under HIF permission ref: 133143/VO/2022; creation of new public realm and associated landscaping, car parking provision, cycle storage, and other associated works (with all matters reserved). It also outlined an application for development with all matters considered: Demolition of existing buildings and structures.


The Outline application was for a residential led development, with a clubhouse, a health centre, a primary school, infrastructure, public realm and landscaping.

One letter of support had been received.


The Planning Officer noted that it was unusual for an outline application to be brought before Committee but that the Planning team had accepted due to the size of the plans. The outline application was to establish the principle of the development.


The applicant addressed the Committee, stating that the outline application proposed a new district for the city that had been in planning and public consultation since 2021. The project would create a new population of 6,000 people. The aim of the project is to create a sustainable community, with affordable housing a key part of the project. It was noted that the project aimed to meet the requirement of 20% affordable housing across the plans, with 5% already secured. The homes built on site would be a mix of open market, built to rent and affordable. There were non-residential plans too, including the building of a new Primary School. There were extensive plans regarding the public realm. It was noted the project would create over 4,500 temporary construction jobs.

Members, in general, welcomed the proposals as put forward in the outline application. Concerns were raised regarding the lack of social housing in the application and the process of considering an outline application, whether discussion would be possible later when further planning applications are put forward due to the lack of commitment to certain proposals within the application in its current form.


The Planning Officer noted that there was an expectation of 20% affordable housing but without the detail, they could not be certain. They did inform the Committee that 20% affordable housing was being delivered elsewhere in the project. As this was an outline application, there were conditions set within it. The Planning Officer stated that the public realm was being looked at creatively, but more detailed proposals can be discussed at future phases of planning.


Members then queried why the application was being considered as an outline application and concerns over space for children to play.


The Planning Officer stated that an outline application was a legitimate part of the process and was not unusual in other places. The Planning Officer was confident of what was being supported but accepted that detail could not yet be confirmed. The scale of the investment was the reason for an outline application being accepted, noting they had not seen this level of thought at this stage before. The Planning Officer noted that there would be a lot of open space for children to play.


Members then queried if there was a possibility for priority to be given to certain residents for the affordable housing as part of this project and if there would be any constraints to the Committee in the future to agreeing the outline application.


The Planning Officer noted that a local lettings policy could form part of the project. They stated that the Committee were agreeing to the parameters in the report and that further detail would still need to be considered.


Councillor Andrews moved the Officer’s recommendation of Minded to Approve.

Councillor Shaukat Ali seconded the proposal.




The Committee resolved to be Minded to Approve the Application for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the report and subject to the signing a legal agreement in respect of affordable housing and to secure the retention of the project architect.

Supporting documents: