Agenda item

Agenda item

[2.25-2.55] Integrated Care Systems

Report of the Deputy Place Based Lead, Manchester Integrated Care



The purpose of this report is to update Health Scrutiny Committee, following the UK Government’s reforms to health and social care, which established Integrated Care Systems on 1 July 2022, including Greater Manchester Integrated Care System (NHS GM).  The report also provides an update on the governance arrangements that have developed over the last year for NHS GM and the Manchester locality.





The Committee considered the report of the Deputy Place Based Lead, Manchester Integrated Care Partnership that provided an update following the UK Government’s reforms to health and social care, which established Integrated Care Systems on 1 July 2022, including Greater Manchester Integrated Care System (NHS GM). The report also provided an update on the governance arrangements that had developed over the last year for NHS GM and the Manchester locality.


Key points and themes in the report included:


·         Providing an introduction and background;

·         Information on the NHS Greater Manchester (NHS GM) Integrated Care System (ICS); and

·         An update on the Manchester Locality Plan.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were:


·         Noting that Manchester had been pioneering in terms of health devolution and the integration of health and social care;

·         Recognising the risk to delivering all the ambitions for Manchester whilst delivering the inherited required efficiencies of £606.2m;

·         All available levers and opportunities should be used to raise awareness of these required efficiencies, including the lobbying of local MPs and the Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care;

·         Noting and welcoming the completion of the Environmental Impact Assessment and the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion sections of the report template;

·         Further information was requested on the GM NHS Green Plan in 2023/24;

·         What was the approach to ensure people and communities were active partners as described as an aim of the Our Healthier Manchester Locality Plan; and

·         Discussing the relationship between housing and health.


The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care stated that he had great concerns regarding the ability to deliver the ambitions for Manchester and to improve the health outcomes of Manchester residents whilst delivering the inherited required efficiencies of £606.2m. He stated that with the support of the Committee, and in conjunction with the Chair, he would write to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to lobby for adequate funding for Manchester ahead of the Autumn Budget Statement. The Committee fully endorsed this suggestion and noted that the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care should be invited to meet in person with the Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care when he would be visiting Manchester attending the party conference. 


In response to Members’ comments regarding planning for managing and understanding the impact of the required efficiencies of £606.2m, the Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care stated that this issue was considered and monitored at monthly meetings that involved all partners. He reiterated that he remained deeply concerned about this inherited financial situation, however he was committed to doing all he could to protect the most vulnerable residents in the city and use all available funding to achieve the best health outcomes for Mancunians.  


The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care commented that appropriate and quality housing was recognised as a factor in residents’ health outcomes. He made reference to the many initiatives that had been delivered in Manchester that had been reported to the Committee over previous meetings, including Dementia Friendly Housing schemes and Extra Care Schemes. He further addressed the question asked in relation to active partners by advising that the Director of Equality and Engagement had involved the Patient Advisory Groups in the detailed delivery planning. In addition, all existing community networks and sounding boards were involved in this work, adding that this approach was reflected across Greater Manchester.


In response to the request for further information on the GM NHS Green Plan in 2023/24, the Deputy Place-based Lead, NHS GM (Manchester) advised that information would be provided following the meeting. He further clarified that the Director of Equality and Engagement was Sharmila Kar.


The Chair in concluding this item of business requested that any future update reports on Integrated Care Systems to the Committee include information on how the new arrangements impacted Manchester residents and provide case studies and examples of outcomes.




The Committee recommend that the Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care, in conjunction with the Chair, write to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to lobby for adequate funding for Manchester ahead of the Autumn Budget Statement.


Supporting documents: