Agenda item

Agenda item

[2.25-2.55] Street Cleansing Programme and Campaigns Update

Report of the Strategic Director (Neighbourhoods)


This report provides an update on street cleansing services and the Keep Manchester Tidy programme. Describing how the activity contributes to protecting the environment, climate change agenda and key priorities for future.



The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director (Neighbourhoods) that provided an update on street cleansing services and the Keep Manchester Tidy programme. Describing how the activity contributes to protecting the environment, climate change agenda and key priorities for future.


Key points and themes in the report included:


·         Providing an introduction and background;

·         Information regarding cleansing standards;

·         Information relating to the street cleansing contract;

·         An update on the additional investment in waste collection and street cleansing services;

·         Improvements to the street cleansing model;

·         Street cleansing performance;

·         Information on education, awareness and engaging local communities;

·         Trials and innovations to tackle all forms of littering; and

·         Priorities for 2023/24.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were:


·         Information was requested on the criteria and definitions of the cleansing standards;

·         Information was sought as to the location of the additional (200) litter bins secured through the investment to deliver service improvements;

·         The challenge presented by different landowners across the city to apply consistent cleansing standards;

·         How did activities associated with building works and construction impact on Biffa and service delivery;

·         How could Members engage with, and seek to influence Keep Manchester Tidy campaigns; and

·         The importance of maintaining cleaning standards in cycle lanes to ensure they remained safe for users.


The Contract Manager, Waste acknowledged the comments and requests from Members around the issue of standards and their application and monitoring; information on the steam cleaning trials in district centres; approach to cycle lane cleansing and suggested that he prepared a detailed briefing note to be circulated following the meeting. He further extended an invitation to Members to accompany officers when undertaking inspections.


The Strategic Lead, Waste, Recycling & Street Cleansing Team advised that the trials relating to litter bins waste storage containers, measures to target harden infrastructure and the additional bins were initially in the city centre, and consideration would be given as to other appropriate locations. Investment had been agreed to replace litter bin infrastructure citywide. She further commented that they worked closely with different landowners to influence improvements and that they worked with Biffa to reduce the escape of detritus when bins were emptied.


The Project Officer advised that Keep Manchester Tidy campaigns were fast paced projects and acknowledged that timely communications with Members on these activities needed to be strengthened. She discussed the campaign delivered on the issue of discarded chewing gum, commenting that this had been delivered in partnership with City Co and the Universities. She added that consideration was being given as to how this campaign could be rolled out wider across the city.


The Executive Member for Vibrant Neighbourhoods addressed comments made regarding comparative data across different wards and expressed caution as it was important to acknowledge that different wards and localities presented different opportunities and challenges. She informed Members that the autumn street cleansing programme would be communicated to all Members via the usual communication channels. She further commented that Members should liaise with their respective Neighbourhood Teams about local Keep Manchester Tidy projects. Noting a comment from the Chair regarding the importance of maintaining standards and leaf removal from cycle lanes she stated that if there were specific locations of concern that Members contact the relevant officers so these could be addressed.


The Chair concluded this item of business by acknowledging the work delivered by all the officers working in this area of activity.




To note the report.


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