Agenda item

Agenda item

136763/FO/2023 - Etihad Stadium (North Stand), Etihad Campus, Manchester, M11 3FF - Ancoats & Beswick Ward

The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing for alterations to the Etihad Stadium North Stand and adjoining land to provide an overall increase in Stadium capacity, hospitality, and concourse facilities available for use both during and outside of event days, an ancillary TV Studio (Sui Generis), a Roof-Walk Attraction (Use Class F1(c)) together with the erection of a 9 storey, 391 bed hotel (Use Class C1) with a further 10 suites provided within the North Stand of the Etihad Stadium for hotel or hospitality space (Use Class C1 / Sui Generis); restaurant at Level 1 (Use Class C1 / Class E), erection of an 8-storey building comprising: a new Club Shop and Ticket Office (Use Class E) at Ground and Level 1, City Museum at Level 2, Leisure Attraction at Level 3 (Class F1(c)); and workspace (Class E) at Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 and a new covered City Square fan zone and flexible event space with ground floor commercial, leisure, food and drink use (Use Class E and/ or drinking establishment (Sui Generis)) within each of the interrelated buildings adjoining the proposed square with associated landscaping and public realm works, servicing and access arrangements, and other associated works.


The proposal would extend the North Stand and include hospitality and concourse facilities which would also be available every day. Ancillary elements include a TV studio, roof walk attraction, 391 bed hotel, club shop and museum plus workspace for start ups and small businesses linked to the other users at the Campus. There would be a covered square forming an enhanced fan zone which would be supported by new food and beverage outlets. New public realm was proposed.


Lucy Powell MP (Manchester Central) supported the proposal. There had been three individual letters of support and 5 objections.


The Planning Officer did not add anything to the printed report.

The agent stated that the development involved over £300million of investment. It was a sustainable and world class proposal for a sports and leisure district which supports the economy and residents in East Manchester. The site would employ a 890 people over the construction period. £100million of supply chain expenditure and 3,000 jobs would also be created. The site would inject £70million into Manchester’s economy and offer training and recruitment opportunities for local people. It would be a destination for football fans and other communities. The increased capacity at the Etihad as part of this development had been a relevant consideration. The scheme was future proofed and had been collaborated on with all stakeholders. This project

also supports ambitions for net zero carbon by 2030.


The Planning Officer noted that all the agent’s comments were within the report.


The Chair invited the Committee to make comments or ask questions.

Councillor Hughes stated that he was a lifelong Manchester City supporter and felt that this was a great scheme for East Manchester. He noted that the club were

staying in East Manchester for the long haul and the additional jobs provided by this development were much needed.


Councillor Riasat stated that this was a commercial investment that has transformed the area and added that this was the next step on that journey. Councillor Riasat spoke of his support for this application.


Councillor Curley added his support and stated that he was a fan of Manchester City’s approach, naming Pete Bradshaw as a hard worker and congratulating the club on their work with apprenticeships which produced high quality opportunities.


Councillor Kamal moved the officer’s recommendation of Minded to Approve for the application.


Councillor Hughes seconded the proposal.




The Committee resolved to be Minded to Approve for the application, subject to conditions set out in the report.

Supporting documents: