Agenda item
HS2 Phase 2b Western Leg (Crewe-Manchester) Hybrid Bill - Deposit of a second Additional Provision (AP2) Petitioning
Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached
The Executive considered a report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development), which informed Members about the current progress of the High Speed (Crewe – Manchester) Bill (known as ‘HS2 Phase 2b’) in Parliament, and a second ‘Additional Provision’ (AP2) to the Bill. It outlined the key issues within AP2, and the Council’s proposed response to it by means of a petition, together with a consultation response to the Supplementary Environmental Statement (SES).
One of the key issues included within the Council’s petitions was that the proposal within the Bill for a 6 platform surface, turn-back high speed station at Manchester Piccadilly was inadequate for reasons of reliability, capacity, resilience and future proofing, as well as negatively impacting the ability to deliver regeneration both around Piccadilly and out towards East Manchester. The petition requested that this proposal be re-considered in favour of an underground, through station option, which would better serve both HS2 and future Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR) services, and bring maximum benefit to both the city and the wider North.
The Department for Transport had submitted a second Additional Provision to the Bill (‘AP2’) on 3 July 2023 detailing further changes to the proposals currently in the Bill. This was accompanied by a Supplementary Environmental Statement (SES), which set out the environmental impacts of, and mitigation measures planned for, the proposed changes. As with the main Bill, parties who were directly and specifically impacted by the AP2 proposals were invited to submit petitions by 15 August 2023, and a consultation on the SES was being undertaken, with a closing date of 31 August 2023.
As with the main Bill petition, the Council was continuing to work closely with GM Partners in preparing their respective petitions. The Council’s petition would be in alignment and consistent with those of other GM partners, whilst emphasising and highlighting issues of particular concern for the city. It was also noted that this petition would cover the changes proposed by AP2 and not seek to repeat the concerns included within the original petition which still stood, except where AP2 impacted those issues. A copy of the full petition would be provided to Members at the time the submission is made.
It was reported that the Council would complete the petition on AP2 and submit it to the House of Commons by the deadline of 15 August 2023. The Council would also complete the response to the SES in time for the deadline of 31 August 2023.
Following submission, the Council would prepare to appear before the Select Committee to make the case for both the outstanding points within its original petition, and the contents of the AP2 petition. It was expected that HS2 Ltd would look to negotiate with the Council leading up to, and throughout, the Select Committee appearances. The Council would seek satisfactory agreements, undertakings and assurances with them to remedy concerns and issues regarding the proposed scheme. Where issues were satisfactorily resolved during negotiation, it may be possible to withdraw these petition points before appearing at Select Committee, in line with the delegated approval granted by Council.
Councillor Hilal (Ward Councillor Didsbury West) addressed the Executive and raised concerns around the proposed site in the Hollies, which was close to properties on Mersey Road and Mersey Meadows. She stated that the construction of the vent shaft would have a considerable impact on these residents which HS2 had admitted to in their AP2 document. She also raised concern in relation to the proposed use of the Islamic Girls School car park as a car park and access route by HS2 which would result in the demolition of the former Sure Start centre and it was doubtful the school would be able to function once its site was being used as a car park for construction vehicles.
Councillor Kilpatrick (Ward Councillor Didsbury West) addressed the Executive and also raised concerns in relation to the proposed vent shaft at the Holies. Specifically in relation to the proposed access to the vent shaft at Barlow Moor road and the adverse impact his would have on adjacent communities, including the impact on the wider road network and existing or planned facilities. He expressed strong reservations in relation to the proposed impact on the Islamic Girls School and he also raised concerns in relation to residents safety, as the location was still within the flood plain.
Councillor Johnson raised the issue of how HS2 was undertaking consultation with local residents and the use of technical documentation which was difficult for non-specialists to understand and queried whether the Council could assist residents in understanding the documentation being sent.
Councillor Leech raised serious concerns in relation to the proposal to circulate the full AP2 petition to Members at the same time as its submission to the House of he felt the Council had ignored the views of local ward Councillors in relation to what needed to be included and sought Executive to amend this proposal to enable discussions with local Ward Councillors as to what should be included in the petition response based on the concerns raised at this meeting or that the Executive included a further recommendation that clearly stated the Council opposed the proposed location of the ventilation shaft at the Hollies within the petition response.
The Executive:-
(1) Note the current progress of the High Speed (Crewe - Manchester) hybrid Bill (“the Bill”), as introduced into the 24 January 2022 session of Parliament, as detailed in the report.
(2) Note the contents of AP2 to the Bill including the supporting SES and the proposed contents of the City Council’s petition against aspects of AP2, and the proposed contents of the City Council’s petition against aspects of AP2 and the SES consultation response set out in the report.
(3) Note the delegated authority approved by Council on 4 March 2022 to the Strategic Director (Growth & Development), in consultation with the Leader and City Solicitor, to take all the steps required for the Council to submit any petition and thereafter to maintain and if considered appropriate authorise the withdrawal of any petition points that have been resolved in respect of the Bill, and to negotiate and/or seek assurances/ undertaking/agreements in relation to aspects of the Bill.
(4) Note that the petition against AP2 is within the scope of the above delegated authority approved by Council on 4 March 2022.
(5) Note that the full AP2 petition will be circulated to Members at the same time as its submission to the House of Commons by the deadline of 15 August 2023.
(6) Note that the AP2 consultation response on the SES will be circulated to Members at the same time as its submission to Government by the deadline of 31 August 2023.
(Councillor Chambers declared a personal interest in this item due to her employment with Transport for Greater Manchester)
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