Agenda item
Notice of Motion - Local Authority of Sanctuary
This Council notes that:
Manchester is a proudly diverse city that speaks over 200 languages and has over many generations, drawn people from across the world to call Manchester home. For hundreds of years Manchester has been a city of sanctuary for those fleeing persecution and building for a better life. We recognise the valuable contribution that all these communities have made to our economic, social and cultural life over many years
We have a proud record in this city of fighting for a compassionate and fair Asylum system and Manchester has played a full and active part in supporting government schemes to host and support people seeking asylum and refugees including the Afghan Resettlement Programme, Homes For Ukraine and Asylum Contingency Hotels and dispersed accommodation.
Manchester Libraries gained Libraries of Sanctuary status in June 2021 in recognition of the warm welcome and volunteering opportunities they offer to asylum seekers and refugees and the commitment to celebrating diversity and spreading understanding of their lives.
We have a range of voluntary, community and faith groups who work tirelessly to support the needs of asylum seekers and refugees in our city and build community cohesion and we value and support their endeavours.
The government has created an ever-increasing hostile environment for refugees and people seeking asylum. The ‘Illegal Migration Bill’ epitomizes this and will make migrants criminals for simply landing on our shores.
People seeking asylum are not allowed to work. This is a waste of talent and skills and leads to loneliness and isolation. They are prevented from supporting themselves and their families and making an economic contribution. Recent research suggests that lifting this ban could save the UK billions of pounds per year and add to tax revenue.
The impact of the asylum system on unaccompanied children and young people devastates lives. Long waits to get access to legal representation and an asylum decision affects their mental health, education and sense of hope for the future.
In June 2023 Councillor Bev Craig, alongside Andy Burnham and the other 9 GM Council Leaders wrote to the Home Secretary Suella Braverman MP to express concerns about asylum and immigration and set out a series of calls for change in national policy.
Thirteen years of unfair Conservative and Coalition government cuts and austerity have had a huge impact on all our communities and our ability as a council to provide fully funded services for all who need them.
This Council resolves to:
(1) Continue to provide welcome and support to refugees and migrant communities who have fled violence and persecution to seek safety in Manchester.
(2) Join the network of towns and cities which promote the inclusion and welfare of people who are fleeing violence and persecution to become a recognised ‘Local Authority of Sanctuary’
(3) As leaders of the city, we will challenge anti migrant rhetoric and attitudes and continue to promote the wonderful diversity of our city and communities. We will also work to strengthen links between refugees, those seeking asylum and local communities.
(4) Celebrate the contribution of asylum seekers, migrants and refugees to our city through events like Refugee Week and Windrush Day.
(5) Continue to work with organisations in the city who provide support to asylum seekers and refugees and nurture and grow these vital partnerships.
(6) Support the campaign to ‘Lift The Ban’ so that asylum seekers are allowed to work and put their skills and talents to good use whilst awaiting their asylum decision.
(7) Call on the government to:
· Adopt and implement all of the policy recommendations listed in the Joint Greater Manchester letter in June 2023 to the Home Secretary as ways to improve the ability to support all of our communities and halt the Illegal Migration Bill
· Improve and make fairer the asylum system and work harder to clear the backlog of asylum claims that are causing so many people to live in uncertainty and fear.
· Reform the No Recourse to Public Funds condition which causes destitution and misery for so many
· Increase funding to local authorities so that we can provide properly funded support services and invest in projects that improve community cohesion
· Ensure that children in the asylum system are treated as children and that their wellbeing is paramount. That they have legal representation and that decisions on children’s asylum claims are made within six months
(8) Write to our local MPs to ask for their support in this lobbying and to make the case to the government in Parliament.
Proposed by Councillor Midgley, seconded by Councillor Sharif Mahamed and supported by Councillors Andrews, Benham, Cooley, Craig, Fletcher, Foley, Green, Hilal, Igbon, Priest, Rawlins, Rawson, Reid, T Robinson, Sadler, Shilton Godwin Taylor and White
Councillor Midgley submitted the following motion, which was seconded by Councillor Sharif Mahamed:-
This Council notes that:-
Manchester is a proudly diverse city that speaks over 200 languages and has over many generations, drawn people from across the world to call Manchester home. For hundreds of years Manchester has been a city of sanctuary for those fleeing persecution and building for a better life. We recognise the valuable contribution that all these communities have made to our economic, social and cultural life over many years
We have a proud record in this city of fighting for a compassionate and fair Asylum system and Manchester has played a full and active part in supporting government schemes to host and support people seeking asylum and refugees including the Afghan Resettlement Programme, Homes For Ukraine and Asylum Contingency Hotels and dispersed accommodation.
Manchester Libraries gained Libraries of Sanctuary status in June 2021 in recognition of the warm welcome and volunteering opportunities they offer to asylum seekers and refugees and the commitment to celebrating diversity and spreading understanding of their lives.
We have a range of voluntary, community and faith groups who work tirelessly to support the needs of asylum seekers and refugees in our city and build community cohesion and we value and support their endeavours.
The government has created an ever-increasing hostile environment for refugees and people seeking asylum. The ‘Illegal Migration Bill’ epitomizes this and will make migrants criminals for simply landing on our shores.
People seeking asylum are not allowed to work. This is a waste of talent and skills and leads to loneliness and isolation. They are prevented from supporting themselves and their families and making an economic contribution. Recent research suggests that lifting this ban could save the UK billions of pounds per year and add to tax revenue.
The impact of the asylum system on unaccompanied children and young people devastates lives. Long waits to get access to legal representation and an asylum decision affects their mental health, education and sense of hope for the future.
In June 2023 Cllr Bev Craig, alongside Andy Burnham and the other 9 GM Council Leaders wrote to The Home Secretary Suella Braverman to express concerns about asylum and immigration and set out a series of calls for change in national policy.
Thirteen years of unfair Conservative and Coalition government cuts and austerity have had a huge impact on all our communities and our ability as a council to provide fully funded services for all who need them.
This Council resolves to:
(1) Continue to provide welcome and support to refugees and migrant communities who have fled violence and persecution to seek safety in Manchester.
(2) Join the network of towns and cities which promote the inclusion and welfare of people who are fleeing violence and persecution to become a recognised ‘Local Authority of Sanctuary’
(3) As leaders of the city, we will challenge anti migrant rhetoric and attitudes and continue to promote the wonderful diversity of our city and communities. We will also work to strengthen links between refugees, those seeking asylum and local communities.
(4) Celebrate the contribution of asylum seekers, migrants and refugees to our city through events like Refugee Week and Windrush Day.
(5) Continue to work with organisations in the city who provide support to asylum seekers and refugees and nurture and grow these vital partnerships.
(6) Support the campaign to ‘Lift The Ban’ so that asylum seekers are allowed to work and put their skills and talents to good use whilst awaiting their asylum decision.
(7) Call on the government to:
· Adopt and implement all of the policy recommendations listed in the Joint Greater Manchester letter in June 2023 to the Home Secretary as ways to improve the ability to support all of our communities and halt the Illegal Migration Bill
· Improve and make fairer the asylum system and work harder to clear the backlog of asylum claims that are causing so many people to live in uncertainty and fear.
· Reform the No Recourse to Public Funds condition which causes destitution and misery for so many
· Increase funding to local authorities so that we can provide properly funded support services and invest in projects that improve community cohesion
· Ensure that children in the asylum system are treated as children and that their wellbeing is paramount. That they have legal representation and that decisions on children’s asylum claims are made within six months
(8) Write to our local MPs to ask for their support in this lobbying and to make the case to the government in Parliament.
The Lord Mayor reported that the amendment submitted by Councillor Johnson had been received and was accepted by Councillor Midgley.
The amended motion is as follows:
This Council notes that:
Manchester is a proudly diverse city that speaks over 200 languages and has over many generations, drawn people from across the world to call Manchester home. For hundreds of years Manchester has been a city of sanctuary for those fleeing persecution and building for a better life. We recognise the valuable contribution that all these communities have made to our economic, social and cultural life over many years
We have a proud record in this city of fighting for a compassionate and fair Asylum system and Manchester has played a full and active part in supporting government schemes to host and support people seeking asylum and refugees including the Afghan Resettlement Programme, Homes For Ukraine and Asylum Contingency Hotels and dispersed accommodation.
Manchester Libraries gained Libraries of Sanctuary status in June 2021 in recognition of the warm welcome and volunteering opportunities they offer to asylum seekers and refugees and the commitment to celebrating diversity and spreading understanding of their lives.
We have a range of voluntary, community and faith groups who work tirelessly to support the needs of asylum seekers and refugees in our city and build community cohesion and we value and support their endeavours.
The government has created an ever-increasing hostile environment for refugees and people seeking asylum. The ‘Illegal Migration Bill’ epitomizes this and will make migrants criminals for simply landing on our shores.
People seeking asylum are not allowed to work. This is a waste of talent and skills and leads to loneliness and isolation. They are prevented from supporting themselves and their families and making an economic contribution. Recent research suggests that lifting this ban could save the UK billions of pounds per year and add to tax revenue.
The impact of the asylum system on unaccompanied children and young people devastates lives. Long waits to get access to legal representation and an asylum decision affects their mental health, education and sense of hope for the future.
In June 2023 Councillor Bev Craig, alongside Andy Burnham and the other 9 GM Council Leaders wrote to the Home Secretary Suella Braverman MP to express concerns about asylum and immigration and set out a series of calls for change in national policy.
Thirteen years of unfair Conservative and Coalition government cuts and austerity have had a huge impact on all our communities and our ability as a council to provide fully funded services for all who need them.
This Council resolves to:
(1) Continue to provide welcome and support to refugees and migrant communities who have fled violence and persecution to seek safety in Manchester.
(2) Join the network of towns and cities which promote the inclusion and welfare of people who are fleeing violence and persecution to become a recognised ‘Local Authority of Sanctuary’
(3) As leaders of the city, we will challenge anti migrant rhetoric and attitudes and continue to promote the wonderful diversity of our city and communities. We will also work to strengthen links between refugees, those seeking asylum and local communities.
(4) Celebrate the contribution of asylum seekers, migrants and refugees to our city through events like Refugee Week and Windrush Day.
(5) Continue to work with organisations in the city who provide support to asylum seekers and refugees and nurture and grow these vital partnerships.
(6) Support the campaign to ‘Lift The Ban’ so that asylum seekers are allowed to work and put their skills and talents to good use whilst awaiting their asylum decision.
Call on the government to:
· Adopt and implement all of the policy recommendations listed in the Joint Greater Manchester letter in June 2023 to the Home Secretary as ways to improve the ability to support all of our communities and halt the Illegal Migration Bill;
· Improve and make fairer the asylum system and work harder to clear the backlog of asylum claims that are causing so many people to live in uncertainty and fear;
· Reform the No Recourse to Public Funds condition which causes destitution and misery for so many;
· Cooperate closely with local authorities including providing advance notice about incoming refugees and asylum seekers, so adequate and timely preparations can be made by the authority to meet their needs upon arrival;
· Increase funding to local authorities so that we can provide properly fundedcouncil support servicesand local third sector organisations that focus on asylum seekers and refugees, as well as invest in projects that improve community cohesion;
Ensure that children in the asylum system are
treated as children and that their wellbeing is paramount. That
they have legal representation and that decisions on
children’s asylum claims are made within six
(8) Write to our local MPs to ask for their support in this lobbying and to make the case to the government in Parliament.
On the motion being put to the vote, the Lord Mayor declared it unanimously carried.
This Council resolves to:
(1) Continue to provide welcome and support to refugees and migrant communities who have fled violence and persecution to seek safety in Manchester.
(2) Join the network of towns and cities which promote the inclusion and welfare of people who are fleeing violence and persecution to become a recognised ‘Local Authority of Sanctuary’
(3) As leaders of the city, we will challenge anti migrant rhetoric and attitudes and continue to promote the wonderful diversity of our city and communities. We will also work to strengthen links between refugees, those seeking asylum and local communities.
(4) Celebrate the contribution of asylum seekers, migrants and refugees to our city through events like Refugee Week and Windrush Day.
(5) Continue to work with organisations in the city who provide support to asylum seekers and refugees and nurture and grow these vital partnerships.
(6) Support the campaign to ‘Lift The Ban’ so that asylum seekers are allowed to work and put their skills and talents to good use whilst awaiting their asylum decision.
Call on the government to:
· Adopt and implement all of the policy recommendations listed in the Joint Greater Manchester letter in June 2023 to the Home Secretary as ways to improve the ability to support all of our communities and halt the Illegal Migration Bill;
· Improve and make fairer the asylum system and work harder to clear the backlog of asylum claims that are causing so many people to live in uncertainty and fear;
· Reform the No Recourse to Public Funds condition which causes destitution and misery for so many;
· Cooperate closely with local authorities including providing advance notice about incoming refugees and asylum seekers, so adequate and timely preparations can be made by the authority to meet their needs upon arrival;
· Increase funding to local authorities so that we can provide properly funded council support services and local third sector organisations that focus on asylum seekers and refugees, as well as invest in projects that improve community cohesion;
· Ensure that children in the asylum system are treated as children and that their wellbeing is paramount. That they have legal representation and that decisions on children’s asylum claims are made within six months.
(8) Write to our local MPs to ask for their support in this lobbying and to make the case to the government in Parliament.