Agenda item
[2.25-2.55] Local Area Energy Plan - Progress Update
Report of the Strategic Director (Development)
GMCA is the first city region in the country to compile and complete Local Area Energy Plans (LAEP) from street to network level. LAEPs have been produced at both the regional level and also for each of the 10 districts. The GM and Manchester LAEP were adopted in September 2022. This report provides Members with an overview of the Manchester LAEP and how this will be used to meet our target to be a zero carbon city by 2038.
The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director (Growth & Development) that described that the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) was the first city region in the country to compile and complete Local Area Energy Plans (LAEP) from street to network level. LAEPs had been produced at both the regional level and also for each of the 10 districts. The Greater Manchester and Manchester LAEP were adopted in September 2022. This report provided Members with an overview of the Manchester LAEP and how this would be used to meet our target to be a zero carbon city by 2038.
Key points and themes in the report and accompanying presentation included:
· Providing an introduction and background;
· Discussion of the opportunities and challenges;
· Priority areas and challenges;
· Discussion of the sphere of influence, noting the council’s main role in taking the LAEP forward is that of facilitator and enabler rather than as a main delivery agent;
· Progress to date; and
· Next steps.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were:
· Information was sought on the progress to decarbonise the electric national grid;
· The need to lobby government for regulation of the domestic heat network;
· Discussing the national debate regarding the viability of hydrogen as a viable alternative to gas;
· The need to provide information to residents and homeowners to make informed, positive decisions in relation to alternative domestic heating options; and
· Was the data referred to throughout the report open data and available to residents, commenting that these were very informative.
The Chair commented that the Committee would be receiving a substantive update report on the Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy at the next meeting and questions and comments on this subject would be reserved for that meeting. The Committee further noted that an update on the Local Plan would be submitted for consideration at the November meeting.
The Principal Policy Officer stated that lobbying of government continued in relation to regulation of the domestic heat network and that any available information in regard to the decarbonisation of the electricity grid would be provided following the meeting. In response to the discussion regarding hydrogen as a viable alternative fuel for domestic boilers she stated they were alive to the national debate on this issue, commenting that direction from government was required on this issue. The Interim Head of Infrastructure and Environment commented that in the absence of any direction from government a position would need to be adopted locally.
The Principal Policy Officer commented that the data that was referenced within the report was available for members of the public to access.
The Strategic Director Development discussed the role of the Council in relation lobbying and influence. She stated that the Council was proactive on a range of issues, drawing down funding wherever possible to help resource the Council’s response to the LAEP, and made reference to the work in relation to housing retrofit and Electric Vehicle Charging. She stated that the LAEP would assist with highlighting priorities for the Council to focus a response.
The Chair requested that any future update report included consideration and data in relation to demand management and energy generation when discussing the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
The Executive Member for Environment and Transport stated that the Local Area Energy Plan provided an evidence-based tool on which to continue to lobby government. She stated that reflection and review of this area of activity was regularly undertaken and conversations with other cities were convened to share learning and experience.
To note the report.
Supporting documents:
- Local Area Energy Plan – Progress Update, item 40. PDF 2 MB
- Appendix 1 LAEP Monitoring Report, item 40. PDF 1 MB
- Appendix 2 LAEP Action Plan, item 40. PDF 136 KB
- LAEP Presentation, item 40. PDF 860 KB