Agenda item

Agenda item

Update on the Regeneration of Ancoats Phase 3 and the Proposed City of Manchester (Phoenix Ironworks Developments) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023

Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached


The Executive considered a report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development), which provided an update on the activities to bring forward investment and development in the next phases of Ancoats.


There had been significant work underway to deliver further sustainable growth within Ancoats Phase 3.  Strategic plans for public realm and infrastructure improvements, the Ancoats Mobility Hub and new homes were now advancing to the construction phases and others were programmed to come through the planning process.


The report provided an update on the key aspects of the Infrastructure Delivery Programme.


It was reported that the Council’s strategic partner Manchester Life had proposed to develop the site known as “Phoenix Ironworks” in accordance with the Neighbourhood Development Framework (NDF). The site was at the heart of Ancoats Phase 3 and critical to the delivery of the regeneration of the area.


Manchester Life, via its wholly owned company “Phoenix Ironworks Developments Ltd”, had already acquired the majority of the land and buildings required for the scheme with the Council having acquired the industrial units at 1, 2 and 3 Naval Street. These strategic acquisitions demonstrated Manchester Life and the City Council’s long-term commitment to deliver the regeneration of the Ancoats Phase 3 area.  Once fully assembled, Phoenix Ironworks Developments Ltd was proposing to deliver 256 homes made up of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and town houses with ground floor commercial space, new maker spaces and associated hard and soft landscaping.


Whilst the majority of the land interests had been acquired, there was the unregistered freehold interest in three plots and other rights such as rent charges and restrictive covenants over several plots, remaining as the only outstanding acquisitions required to deliver the proposed scheme.  The Council had consulted on the best way to resolve the above issues in order to progress and it had been suggested that the way forward would be for the Council to exercise its Compulsory Purchase Powers to acquire the unidentified land interests and rights required.  Without the acquisition of the Order, it would not be possible to fully deliver the Scheme, which accorded with the NDF and recently submitted planning permission.


It was noted that the Council would in normal circumstances attempt to acquire all interests through negotiation, however as it had been unable to identify the owners of these plots this had not been possible.


Councillor I Robinson (Ward Councillor – Ancoats and Beswick) addressed the Executive on this matter.  She welcomed the proposals set out in the report and expressed a view that more cultural and space for children was needed in this part of the city.  She requested that officers to liaised with local ward Councillors to help minimise any disruption once development commenced.


Councillor Leech commented that an issue of personal safety at night had been raised with the developer by one of his colleagues who was also a ward councillor for Ancoats and Beswick and that he was disappointed to see no significant reference to the provision of affordable homes as part of the proposals.


The Strategic Director (Growth and Development) reported that the public realm strategy had been designed with improving public safety and that the viability assessment for the development did not provide for any affordable housing as part of the proposals.




The Executive:-


(1)      Note the significant progress made in delivering the projects contained within the Public Realm Strategy for Ancoats Phase 3 and the consented scheme for Ancoats Green improvements, TRO processes and construction of Ancoats Mobility Hub to support housing delivery as more particularly detailed in this report


(2)     Authorise the making of the City of Manchester (Phoenix Ironworks Developments Ltd) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 (“the Order”) under Section 226(1)(a) and (1A) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 to acquire the Order Lands for the purpose set out in the Statement of Reasons attached at Appendix 4.


(3)     Note that all costs associated with the CPO and the acquisition of the Order Lands will be met by Phoenix Ironworks Developments Ltd who will reimburse the City Council for all costs incurred in accordance with a CPO Indemnity Agreement to be entered into between the City Council and Phoenix Ironworks Developments Ltd.


(4)     Authorise the City Solicitor to seal the Order and to take all necessary steps, including the publication and service of all statutory notices and presentation of the Council’s case at Public Inquiry, to secure confirmation of the Order by the Secretary of State for Levelling up. Housing and Communities and the vesting of the land in the City Council.


(5)     Authorise the Strategic Director of Growth and Development (if the Secretary of State notifies the Council that it has been given the power to confirm the Order) to confirm the Order, if the Secretary of State is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so.


(6)     Authorise the Strategic Director of Growth and Development and the City Solicitor to make deletions from, and/or minor amendments, and modifications to the proposed Order and the Order Plan or to agree to refrain from vesting any land included within the Order should this be in their opinion appropriate.


(7)     Authorise the Director of Development to:


 (a)   approve agreements with landowners setting out the terms of withdrawals of objections to the Order including where appropriate the exclusion of land from the Order

 (b)    negotiate terms for the acquisition by agreement of any outstanding interests in the land within the Order prior to its confirmation.


(8)     Authorise the Strategic Director of Neighbourhoods to take all necessary steps to secure the closure of all relevant highways streets and alleyways which are required for the development to proceed, if requested by the Director of Growth and Development.

Supporting documents: