Agenda item
136551/FO/2023 - 393 Wilmslow Road Manchester M20 4WA - Withington Ward
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing that related to the retention of use of former Hotel (C1) as Temporary Living Accommodation for Single Homeless People (Sui Generis). The applicant proposed to retain the use of the property as short term residential accommodation providing 30 en-suite rooms to single homeless people.
Objections had been received from 24 local residents, Fallowfield Community Guardians and South East Fallowfield Residents Group.
Councillors Wills, Gartside and Chambers had indicated their support for the proposal in principle, subject to consideration of the issues and the attachment of appropriate conditions, as did Withington Civic Society.
The Planning Officer did not have anything to add to the printed report.
An objector attended and addressed the Committee on the application. She stated that she had requested Planning Officers to defer consideration of this application to enable a more in-depth review as to whether the area was the most suitable location to deliver the type if accommodation being proposed. She stated that there was already 12 supported living units within 200 meters of the proposed development and only 21 properties had been consulted on this planning application, all of them bar two, housed mostly students and at least two of them were other supported living accommodation. She felt that more information was needed in relation to police and ambulance call outs in connection with the existing supported living premises in the area before an informed decision could be made. There was also concern about the additional pressures that this development would place on the local infrastructure, such as access to GP surgeries.
The applicant’s agent attended and addressed the Committee. He stated that the applicant had worked in partnership with the Council’s homelessness department since March 2020, which had worked very well and wished for this to continue. The site had previously been utilised as nursing home and more recently as a hotel use. The property was currently set up to provide 24 hour support to all residents to help those seeking permanent accommodation. There was a good relationship with direct neighbours and residents. Security staff were on site 24 hours a day seven days a week. The concerns raised by local neighbours were acknowledged and the applicant would seek to minimise any impact. The application would also help reduce the use of emergency temporary accommodation, such as Bed and Breakfast accommodation.
The Planning Officer responded to issues raised by the objector. He advised the Committee that the notification process had gone beyond the Council’s statutory requirements and comments received had been taken into account. He added that it was important for the Committee to assess the application on its individual merits and land use planning issues. The existing use of the premises was as a hotel with 30 beds which could be used to home homeless people without the need for planning permission and it was the care package and management facilities to support the occupiers meant that planning permission was now required. The Officer also stated that comings and goings associated with the proposed use would be very similar to a 30 bed hotel but the hotel could also be used for multiple occupancy in each room. As part of the conditions, there would be a requirement for a management regime to be in place which would require the premises to be staffed at all times and occupation would be by referral only.
The Chair invited the Committee to make comments or ask questions to the Planning Officer.
Councillor Lovecy addressed the Committee. She commented that in its current designation the situation could be worse for local residents and felt that with the information provided to the Committee, Members were in a position to make a decision on the application before them.
Councillor Curley leant his support to the application and requested that Officers ensured that a strong management team was put in place to manage the facility. In addition, Councillor Davies sought clarification as to whether there was any condition that could be put in place to ensure the applicant worked closely with the Council’s Homelessness team.
The Director of Planning and Building Control advised that there was already a strong relationship between the Council’s Homelessness Department and the Operator of the premises and agreed to feedback the Committee’s views to officers within the Council’s Homelessness Department.
The Planning Officer confirmed that there was a condition in place for a management plan to be submitted and agreed which would include occupancy, arrangements for staffing and accommodation referrals, timings for moving in and out and contracts between occupants and the operator.
Councillor Lovecy asked if it was possible to strengthen this existing condition.
The Director of Director of Planning and Building Control proposed that, if minded, the Committee could approve the application subject to her being able to have discussions with colleagues Homelessness as to how best to strengthen this condition and the subsequently approve the application in consultation with Chair
Councillor Kamal proposed a motion to approve the officer’s recommendation of Approve for the application.
Councillor S Ali seconded Councillor Kamal’s proposal.
The Committee is Minded to Approve the application as set out in the report, subject to the Director of Planning and Building Control discussing with colleagues in the Council’s Homelessness Department as to how best to strengthen the condition for a suitable management plan.
(Councillor Gartside declared an interest in this application as she had fettered her discretion by making her views known as part of the consultation with Ward Councillors. She left the meeting during consideration of the application).
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