Agenda item
135419/FO/2022 - One Medlock Street Manchester M15 5FJ - Deansgate Ward
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing that related to the demolition of the existing hotel building and structures and redevelopment of the site to comprise two separate buildings: one 13
storey office building with commercial unit (Use Class E) at ground floor; a part 11, part 38 storey building comprising 1,014 purpose built student accommodation units (sui generis) with ground floor office/community uses (Use Class E, F1 or F2); and associated ancillary internal and external amenity space, hard and soft landscaping and associated highway works.
There had been 11 representations received objecting to the proposed development. The objections related to, but were not restricted to, increased noise and disturbance, scale and massing, over-development, loss of daylight, lack of suitable infrastructure and loss of privacy.
The Planning Officer did not have anything to add to the report and late representations received.
The applicant’s agent attended and addressed the Committee. He stated that the site occupied a key location to the southern gateway of the city centre. The application supported the positive change of the wider area as part of the First Street Regeneration Framework. The proposals had been developed through local engagement and working with local teams. The proposed design would provide an improved street level experience, which would be greener and work better for pedestrians and cyclists. The office building proposed would provide over 2200 jobs and there would also be a community hub available for all of the community. The application would also provide high quality purpose built student accommodation for approximately 1000 students. Positive conversation had taken place with Universities who supported the proposals and would form part of the PBSA pipeline identified by the Council
The Chair invited the Committee to make comments or ask questions to the Planning Officer.
Councillor Lovecy addressed the Committee and sought clarification as to how the affordable low market rent level was set in relation to the proposed student accommodation
The Planning Officer advised that there was no Council policy position for affordable student accommodation but this would be picked up as part of the review of the Council’s Core Strategy. It was reported that 20% of the proposed student accommodation would be at 80% of the market rate with equal access to all facilities.
Councillor Curley commented on responses received from Sport England and use of facilities and asked if any provision could be made to address these.
The Planning Officer advised that there was no policy position that required the Council to address the comments received from Sport England.
Councillor Davies welcomed the proposed landscaping and sought clarification as to whether appropriate traffic modelling had been undertaken in connection to safe cycling provision in the area. She also asked if consideration had been given to the potential increase in traffic arising from the use of Uber and online food delivery companies that could be attributed to student accommodation
The Planning Officer confirmed that the Council was looking at an Active Travel Scheme along the whole length of Medlock Street but this was not yet funded. The proposed development would help make a significant improvement to the local environment in terms of tree planting, the widening of pavements and better use of the site. In addition he advised that travel plans had been updated to account for the potential increase use of ridesharing companies and online food delivery companies
Councillor Davies requested the Committee be provided with a note on how travel plans had been updated to account for the potential increase use of ridesharing companies and online food delivery companies
Councillor S Ali proposed a motion to approve the officer’s recommendation of Minded to Approve subject to a legal agreement for the provision of on-site affordable accommodation, waste management to be provided by a private contractor and a financial contribution towards off site tree planting.
Councillor Kamal seconded Councillor S Ali’s proposal.
The Committee:-
(1) Is Minded to Approve the application subject to a legal agreement for the provision of on-site affordable accommodation, waste management to be provided by a private contractor and a financial contribution towards off site tree planting.
(2) Requests a note on how travel plans had been updated to account for the potential increase use of ridesharing companies and online food delivery companies
Supporting documents: