Agenda item
135675/FO/2022 - Tariff Street Manchester - Piccadilly Ward
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing that presented an application regarding the erection of two residential apartment buildings (Use Class C3) comprising Block 1 -part 9, part 10 and Block 2- 12 storey building (comprising of 261 dwellings in total), with ground floor commercial units (Use Class E), associated residents amenity space, cycle parking, landscaping, access, street loading and other associated works following demolition of the existing building on site.
30 letters had been received from three rounds of neighbour notification from a total 24 objectors. The objections related to design, heritage, amenity, servicing, sunlight and daylight, wind impacts on external spaces, highways and non-compliance with the Piccadilly Basin SRF.
The Planning Officer did not have anything to add to the report.
An objector attended and addressed the Committee on the application, raising concerns fire safety, specifically in relation to the proposed Block Two, which proposed only one staircase which was non-compliant. Concerns were also made around the wind report, that the application deviated from the SRF, no consultation had been given to local heritage assets and removable of public realms, loss of day light to neighbouring residential properties and overdevelopment of the site
The applicant’s agent attended and addressed the Committee, stating that the proposal before committee represented positive discussions with Planning Officers and was in line with key principles within the Piccadilly Basin SRF. The proposals met and exceeded design standards and the proposed scale and massing responded to the historic mills and would deliver well designed accommodation that would be sympathetic to the area. The proposal was consistent with the strategic vision for the area and there would be an initial £250k contribution to affordable housing with a further viability assessment secured to allow this to be reassessed . It was stated that the current site made little contribution to the heritage of the area and the proposal would contribute to the delivery of new homes in the city.
The Planning Officer provided clarification on the issues raised by the objector. Specifically in relation to fire safety, he advised the Committee that this was not an issue for the planning process. It was for the Committee to determine on land use planning issues. It would be for Building Control to determine on fire safety and if changes were needed, this would result in a new application which could be in the form of a non material change, material change or new application, which may need to be subjected to consideration by the Committee again.
The Chair invited the Committee to make comments or ask questions to the Planning Officer.
Councillor Curley addressed the Committee, welcoming the securing of the Section 106 agreement toward affordable housing. He proposed a motion to approve the officer’s recommendation of Minded to Approve subject to the signing of a section 106 agreement in relation to an initial off site affordable housing contribution, with a future review of the affordable housing position
Councillor S Ali seconded Councillor Curley’s proposal.
The Committee is Minded to Approve the application subject to the signing of a Section 106 agreement in relation to an initial off site affordable housing contribution, with a future review of the affordable housing position.
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