Agenda item

Agenda item

Locality Performance and Outcomes Standards

Report of the Performance Lead attached


The Board considered a report of the Performance Lead, which explained that Greater Manchester’s Integrated Care Board was developing a performance framework that would set out how the ICB would monitor delivery and drive improvements against national and Greater Manchester targets and standards, which would include Greater Manchester’s Joint Strategic Plan (including operational planning targets set as part of the NHS planning round) and the NHS Oversight Framework.


As a locality, Manchester ICP were currently building the 2023/24 performance framework. This would be made up of metrics that supported delivery of the Joint Strategic Plan, improved performance against the Oversight Framework and/or reflected Manchester’s Delivery Plan priorities for adults and children in the city for 2023 to 2026:-


The Manchester ICB would be working with its partners to develop the framework, however it had been asked by Greater Manchester ICB to expedite target setting in a small number of areas. These included setting appropriate levels of deflections from acute services and flow of patients out of hospital settings. 


It was reported that benchmarking data showed there was variation between national peers and across Greater Manchester in a number of areas, including referrals into hospital, accident and emergency attendances, non-elective admissions, patients in hospital who were medically fit to leave (acute and mental health settings) and the number of mental health inpatients in hospitals outside of the local area.  The report went on to describe the process being followed to develop targets against these specific areas and the work programmes being mobilised.


In terms of next steps, it was reported that the locality planning and performance teams would continue to work with partners to develop the first draft locality performance framework.  This framework would set out the objectives and targets along with how MICP would gain assurance regarding delivery by working with leads to identify risks and remedial action plans.  It was also noted that that regular reporting via Greater Manchester and locality governance structures would be put in place.


The Leader posed the question as to what the expectation of the MPB was as a consequence of the data presented especially in instances where other organisations were being held to account for the performance.  She felt that the challenge for the Board was to identify alignment of the data with the priorities across the Greater Manchester and Manchester plans


The Deputy Place Based lead commented that some of the performance data was contextual information and agreed that there was a need to be clear as to which metrics MPB was accountable for as a locality board.


The Place Base Lead commented that from her perspective, she needed clarity as to what she was accountable for, which parts of the system would be expected to drive improvements needed and then what parts needed to come before the MPB to be held to account.




The Board requests the Deputy Pace Base Lead to investigate what Manchester specific performance data is appropriately reported to future meetings, linking in with GM and taking advice from the Provider Collaborative

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