Agenda item

Agenda item

MPB Delivery plan /priorities

Report of the Deputy Place Based Lead for Manchester attached


The Board considered a report of the Deputy Place Based Lead, which provided an update on the work that was taking place for the MPB priorities for 2023 – 2026.


It was reported that this had been an iterative process which started in January and following the approval of the Locality Plan on a Page in April, focus had now moved into the development of the delivery plan, and the approach that would be used to track progress. 


The delivery plan was being developed in parallel with the NHS GM’s Joint Forward Plan which was the delivery plan for the NHS GM Integrated Care Strategy.  Work was taking place with the GM team to ensure that the MPB could clearly articulate how locality priorities would support the delivery of the Joint Forward Plan.


In terms of developing then delivery plan, two priorities had been determined for adults and children in the city for 2023 to 2026, which were: -


·                Improvements to physical and mental health and wellbeing, preventing ill-health and addressing health inequalities, so that people lived longer in good health, wherever they were in the city;

·                Improvements to access to health and care services, so that people could access the right care, at the right time, in the right place, in the right way.


The programmes of work that would form the delivery plan for these priorities had been agreed with MPB and the Manchester Provider Collaborative Board (PCB) in order to align with local assurance arrangements.  Feedback from the PCB, Clinical and Professional Advisory Group, the Patient and Public Advisory Group and GP Board had further informed the development of the delivery plan and the workstreams within it


The Associate Director of Planning, NHS GM (Manchester) provided an overview of the programmes and workstreams within the delivery plan for each priority.  It was reported that that the programmes within the delivery plan were at different levels of maturity; some were well established with clearly defined outcomes, some were existing programmes that were being extended to reflect overall system pressures and others were new with the outcomes still being defined.


It was reported that the priorities and programmes within the delivery plan were those which required a partnership or collaborative approach across the system. The plan did not list all the activity which partners would be responsible for in the locality. This was particularly relevant when considering the NHS GM Five Year Forward Plan in which the accountability for delivery across the majority of missions may fall to localities.  Given that the two plans were being developed in parallel, an iterative approach to both would be needed.


Engagement with local community and patient groups was central to this work, in order to shape programmes to meet the needs of local people. This built on the work already taking place through the Patient and Public Advisory Group, Community Health Equity Manchester, and Making Manchester Fairer.


It was explained that the delivery plan would be underpinned by specific targets and outcomes which would clearly identify benefits to local people and how inequalities would be addressed. This approach linked to the GM Equality Objectives of Our Community and insight and Improving our outcomes.


To monitor high level performance and outcomes, a locality 2023/24 performance  framework was currently being developed, which would be made up of metrics that supported delivery of the Joint Strategic Plan, improve performance against the NHS Oversight Framework and Manchester’s MPB Delivery Plan. This would enable the locality to view overall progress in one place.


In terms of next steps, work would continue to develop the plan over summer focusing on: defining the outcomes, and measures of success over the next one to two years, including specific metrics which showed how inequalities were being targeted and addressed, to incorporate into the 2023/24 locality performance framework; developing the underlying detailed action plan, including the activities and milestones against which progress would be tracked and developing the monitoring process to update MPB on progress against the delivery plan on a quarterly basis, including the 2023/24 locality performance framework.


The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care commented that there was probably a need to reassess the Assurance Boards for each of the programmes and workstreams within the delivery plan for each priority.


The Place Based Lead commented that what was proposed was a work in progress and provided a good place to start from to develop a coherent plan to address the challenges.  One of the major challenges would be how resources would be aligned to deliver the programmes and workstreams.


The Chief Officer for Strategy and Innovation (NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care) commented that the current position of the MPB delivery plan would possibly help identify some of the wider Greater Manchester metrics.  Consideration would also need to be given as to how financial resources for delivery of objectives would be moved across the system to enable the implementation of these plans.


The Leader welcomed the continued work to build on the MPB priorities and commented that consideration still needed to be given to outcomes, measures and milestones and how success would be quantified.


The VCSE representative commented that whilst the plan was a good representation of the various aspects of the system, she could not see how things would be delivered differently to enable the unlocking of system changes and consideration would need to be given to what metrics would be used to measure success.


The Chief Executive Manchester Local Care Organisation commented that it was important to identify how the intended outcomes of the delivery plan would be delivered.


The Chair of Clinical Professional Group commented that it would be important that the delivery plan kept a focus on better outcomes for people.


The Director of Strategy (MFT) noted and welcomed the alignment of the ICB Joint Forward Plan and the MPB Delivery Plan and commented that there would be a need to continue to check coherence across both and avoid proliferation of different measures and metrics.


The Strategic Director - Population Health commented that the challenge would be the link to the system boards at GM and how these would capture what was in the 10 localities, distil the themes and share best practice.




The Board:-


(1)      Notes the progress that has been made on the draft Delivery Plan and the next steps outlined in the report

(2)      Request that the Plan on a Page be amended to include reference  to North, Central and South Manchester.

Supporting documents: