Agenda item

Agenda item

ICB Strategy and Joint Forward Plan

Report of the Chief Officer for Strategy and Innovation (NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care) attached


The Board considered a report of the Chief Officer for Strategy and Innovation (NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care), which provided an update on the position of the Integrated Care Board’s  five year Joint Forward Plan, which would set out how it proposed to exercise its functions and which must be shared with NHS England by 30 June 2023.


It was reported that the following progress had been made:-


·                The first draft was complete and was with key system leads for comments and to address any gaps;

·                A proposed delivery and system leadership for each of the six missions had been set out; and

·                A model for the Performance and Accountability Framework to track delivery of the strategy and plan had been developed.


The Chief Officer for Strategy and Innovation (NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care) advised that it would be critical to distinguish and confirm delivery leadership for each of the identified actions as what was not clear at present was the range and depth of responsibilities of different parts of the wider system, especially the work of the locality boards, and where did responsibility for delivery sit.


In addition it was reported that the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) would provide a summary of each Locality Plan for comment and was also tracking and wrapping in the work informing the recovery of finance and performance recognising the significant focus this would provide on reducing admissions, achieving flow, reducing the backlog and improving productivity in the first year


It was also intended to develop a clear three year roadmap to system sustainability, which would relate strongly to the work on the recovery programme, but capture and quantify the contributions across the full plan.


The Deputy Placed Base Lead welcomed the comments that were made around Place being the delivery mechanism and agreed there was a need to clarify the operating model and ensure resources were available.


The Place Base Lead commented on the need to have evidence led data to understand what the challenges were and that it would be important that the Provider Collaborative were involved in discussions in shaping delivery plans.


The Chief Executive, Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust commented on the need to have a sense of achievement as the implementation of the plan progressed and in respect of the financial strategy there was a need to ensure that this supported the intended outcomes of the Joint Forward Plan.


The Chief Executive Manchester Local Care Organisation commented that it would be important to demonstrate how the work of Manchester contributed to the wider work across Greater Manchester and consideration needed to be given to wider commissioning arrangements in respect of reducing budgets and the ability to re-direct resources to where they are needed.


The Chair of Clinical Professional Group commented that the voice for children and young people did not appear to be captured strongly enough in the Plan and there should be an opportunity to strengthen this.


In terms of financial pressures, the VCSE representative commented that there was a need to recognise the fragility of the VCSE sector at a Greater Manchester level as well as a Manchester level.


The Leader commented that she felt that the next step to make the work of the locality board more aligned and transparent would be to have named accountability on the delivery outcomes of the six missions.


The Chief Officer for Strategy and Innovation (NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care) welcomed and noted the comments that had been made.




The Board notes the update.

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