Agenda item

Agenda item

Application for a New Hackney Carriage Driver Licence - ADS

The report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.


The Hearing Panel considered the content of the report and the written and oral representations made by the Licensing Unit officer and ADS.


The Licensing Unit officer addressed the Hearing Panel stating that ADS had detailed one offence from 2008 on their application. On checking the DBS entry for ADS, a further 30+ historical convictions came to light concerning drug, violence and motoring offences, none of which were within the guidelines but would require consideration due to their nature and number.


ADS did not have a question but raised that they only detailed one offence on their application as this was the most recent and that they could not recall all the previous dates and offences. The Licensing Unit officer noted ADS comments but expressed that this can look like an applicant is attempting to hide information. ADS stated they thought they were all “spent convictions” and the Licensing Unit officer confirmed that they are all considered “live” when applying for a licence.


ADS addressed the Hearing Panel and stated that they were aware of the gravity of the convictions but added that they were all from a long time ago. ADS was previously an alcoholic and the convictions were all from this period. ADS now had a 12 year old son who they wished to support in their sporting endeavours and the flexible nature of taxi work would be perfect in this regard. ADS expressed their remorse and shame at their criminal history, stated that there were circumstances involved but ultimately took full responsibility. ADS knew they had to be seen as a fit and proper person and was aware that they would be working with the public. ADS had moved on to a better life but felt the past come back to haunt them with their record being considered again.


In responding to questions from the Licensing Unit officer, ADS stated that the ABH issue from 2008 was concerning an ex-partner whom they have child-sharing duties with, that the record linked to an incident in Spain did not involve any weapons, that their previous job was as a planer taking up tarmac for 20 years, that they had not touched alcohol since 2011 and that they were currently unemployed.


In summing up, ADS stated that they understood how concerning their history would appear, that they were not proud of it and thanked the Hearing Panel for giving them this opportunity at the hearing. ADS expressed that they had done well for many years now, raising two older daughters and now putting efforts into raising a son and wished to be a good example to him.


In their deliberations, the Hearing Panel considered the list of offences dating back from 1986 to 2008. Whilst these offences were very concerning, the Hearing Panel were satisfied that ADS was a reformed character with a lengthy period without any convictions. The Hearing Panel took note of ADS’s clear remorse, honest and open submission at the hearing and felt that they were a fit and proper person to hold a licence.




To grant ADS with a licence.

Supporting documents: